Search Results for author: Xiaoxin Xu

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Global Universal Scaling and Ultra-Small Parameterization in Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials with Super-Linearity

no code implementations11 Feb 2025 Yanxiao Hu, Ye Sheng, Jing Huang, Xiaoxin Xu, Yuyan Yang, Mingqiang Zhang, Yabei Wu, Caichao Ye, Jiong Yang, Wenqing Zhang

Using machine learning (ML) to construct interatomic interactions and thus potential energy surface (PES) has become a common strategy for materials design and simulations.

Computational Efficiency Property Prediction

Dynamic neural network with memristive CIM and CAM for 2D and 3D vision

no code implementations12 Jul 2024 Yue Zhang, Woyu Zhang, Shaocong Wang, Ning Lin, Yifei Yu, Yangu He, Bo wang, Hao Jiang, Peng Lin, Xiaoxin Xu, Xiaojuan Qi, Zhongrui Wang, Xumeng Zhang, Dashan Shang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

In contrast, AI models are static, unable to associate inputs with past experiences, and run on digital computers with physically separated memory and processing.

Resistive Memory-based Neural Differential Equation Solver for Score-based Diffusion Model

1 code implementation8 Apr 2024 Jichang Yang, Hegan Chen, Jia Chen, Songqi Wang, Shaocong Wang, Yifei Yu, Xi Chen, Bo wang, Xinyuan Zhang, Binbin Cui, Ning Lin, Meng Xu, Yi Li, Xiaoxin Xu, Xiaojuan Qi, Zhongrui Wang, Xumeng Zhang, Dashan Shang, Han Wang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

Demonstrating equivalent generative quality to the software baseline, our system achieved remarkable enhancements in generative speed for both unconditional and conditional generation tasks, by factors of 64. 8 and 156. 5, respectively.


Random resistive memory-based deep extreme point learning machine for unified visual processing

no code implementations14 Dec 2023 Shaocong Wang, Yizhao Gao, Yi Li, Woyu Zhang, Yifei Yu, Bo wang, Ning Lin, Hegan Chen, Yue Zhang, Yang Jiang, Dingchen Wang, Jia Chen, Peng Dai, Hao Jiang, Peng Lin, Xumeng Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi, Xiaoxin Xu, Hayden So, Zhongrui Wang, Dashan Shang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

Our random resistive memory-based deep extreme point learning machine may pave the way for energy-efficient and training-friendly edge AI across various data modalities and tasks.

Pruning random resistive memory for optimizing analogue AI

no code implementations13 Nov 2023 Yi Li, Songqi Wang, Yaping Zhao, Shaocong Wang, Woyu Zhang, Yangu He, Ning Lin, Binbin Cui, Xi Chen, Shiming Zhang, Hao Jiang, Peng Lin, Xumeng Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi, Zhongrui Wang, Xiaoxin Xu, Dashan Shang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

Here, we report a universal solution, software-hardware co-design using structural plasticity-inspired edge pruning to optimize the topology of a randomly weighted analogue resistive memory neural network.

Audio Classification Image Segmentation +1

Binary stochasticity enabled highly efficient neuromorphic deep learning achieves better-than-software accuracy

no code implementations25 Apr 2023 Yang Li, Wei Wang, Ming Wang, Chunmeng Dou, Zhengyu Ma, Huihui Zhou, Peng Zhang, Nicola Lepri, Xumeng Zhang, Qing Luo, Xiaoxin Xu, Guanhua Yang, Feng Zhang, Ling Li, Daniele Ielmini, Ming Liu

We propose a binary stochastic learning algorithm that modifies all elementary neural network operations, by introducing (i) stochastic binarization of both the forwarding signals and the activation function derivatives, (ii) signed binarization of the backpropagating errors, and (iii) step-wised weight updates.

Binarization Deep Learning

Efficient Training of the Memristive Deep Belief Net Immune to Non-Idealities of the Synaptic Devices

no code implementations15 Mar 2022 Wei Wang, Barak Hoffer, Tzofnat Greenberg-Toledo, Yang Li, Minhui Zou, Eric Herbelin, Ronny Ronen, Xiaoxin Xu, Yulin Zhao, Jianguo Yang, Shahar Kvatinsky

Nevertheless, the implementation of the VMM needs complex peripheral circuits and the complexity further increases since non-idealities of memristive devices prevent precise conductance tuning (especially for the online training) and largely degrade the performance of the deep neural networks (DNNs).

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