Search Results for author: Xifeng Gao

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Varying Manifolds in Diffusion: From Time-varying Geometries to Visual Saliency

no code implementations7 Jun 2024 JunHao Chen, Manyi Li, Zherong Pan, Xifeng Gao, Changhe Tu

Our key contribution is the introduction of generation rate, which corresponds to the local deformation of manifold over time around an image component.

Image Manipulation

TexPainter: Generative Mesh Texturing with Multi-view Consistency

1 code implementation17 May 2024 HongKun Zhang, Zherong Pan, Congyi Zhang, Lifeng Zhu, Xifeng Gao

Based on the celebrated Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) scheme, we propose to use an optimization-based color-fusion to enforce consistency and indirectly modify the latent codes by gradient back-propagation.


Consistent Mesh Diffusion

no code implementations1 Dec 2023 Julian Knodt, Xifeng Gao

Given a 3D mesh with a UV parameterization, we introduce a novel approach to generating textures from text prompts.

GaussianShader: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Shading Functions for Reflective Surfaces

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Yingwenqi Jiang, Jiadong Tu, YuAn Liu, Xifeng Gao, Xiaoxiao Long, Wenping Wang, Yuexin Ma

In this paper, we present GaussianShader, a novel method that applies a simplified shading function on 3D Gaussians to enhance the neural rendering in scenes with reflective surfaces while preserving the training and rendering efficiency.

Neural Rendering

Learning based 2D Irregular Shape Packing

no code implementations19 Sep 2023 Zeshi Yang, Zherong Pan, Manyi Li, Kui Wu, Xifeng Gao

2D irregular shape packing is a necessary step to arrange UV patches of a 3D model within a texture atlas for memory-efficient appearance rendering in computer graphics.

Decision Making

Robust & Asymptotically Locally Optimal UAV-Trajectory Generation Based on Spline Subdivision

1 code implementation19 Oct 2020 Ruiqi Ni, Teseo Schneider, Daniele Panozzo, Zherong Pan, Xifeng Gao

Generating locally optimal UAV-trajectories is challenging due to the non-convex constraints of collision avoidance and actuation limits.


A Large-Scale Comparison of Tetrahedral and Hexahedral Elements for Solving Elliptic PDEs with the Finite Element Method

1 code implementation22 Mar 2019 Teseo Schneider, Yixin Hu, Xifeng Gao, Jeremie Dumas, Denis Zorin, Daniele Panozzo

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely used to solve discrete Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in engineering and graphics applications.

Numerical Analysis

Poly-Spline Finite Element Method

1 code implementation9 Apr 2018 Teseo Schneider, Jeremie Dumas, Xifeng Gao, Mario Botsch, Daniele Panozzo, Denis Zorin

We introduce an integrated meshing and finite element method pipeline enabling black-box solution of partial differential equations in the volume enclosed by a boundary representation.

Numerical Analysis Graphics

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