no code implementations • ECCV 2020 • Xikun Zhang, Chang Xu, DaCheng Tao
Dropout has been widely adopted to regularize graph convolutional networks (GCNs) by randomly zeroing entries of the node feature vectors and obtains promising performance on various tasks.
no code implementations • 18 Sep 2024 • Charlotte Bunne, Yusuf Roohani, Yanay Rosen, Ankit Gupta, Xikun Zhang, Marcel Roed, Theo Alexandrov, Mohammed AlQuraishi, Patricia Brennan, Daniel B. Burkhardt, Andrea Califano, Jonah Cool, Abby F. Dernburg, Kirsty Ewing, Emily B. Fox, Matthias Haury, Amy E. Herr, Eric Horvitz, Patrick D. Hsu, Viren Jain, Gregory R. Johnson, Thomas Kalil, David R. Kelley, Shana O. Kelley, Anna Kreshuk, Tim Mitchison, Stephani Otte, Jay Shendure, Nicholas J. Sofroniew, Fabian Theis, Christina V. Theodoris, Srigokul Upadhyayula, Marc Valer, Bo wang, Eric Xing, Serena Yeung-Levy, Marinka Zitnik, Theofanis Karaletsos, Aviv Regev, Emma Lundberg, Jure Leskovec, Stephen R. Quake
Accurate modeling of cells is important for this understanding as well as for determining the root causes of disease.
no code implementations • 30 Jun 2024 • Xikun Zhang, Dongjin Song, Yushan Jiang, Yixin Chen, DaCheng Tao
More importantly, we construct a novel benchmark of biological dynamic systems, featuring diverse systems with disparate dynamics and significantly enriching the research field of machine learning for dynamic systems.
1 code implementation • 18 Feb 2024 • Xikun Zhang, Dongjin Song, DaCheng Tao
To bridge the gap, we provide a comprehensive review of existing continual graph learning (CGL) algorithms by elucidating the different task settings and categorizing the existing methods based on their characteristics.
no code implementations • 5 Feb 2024 • Yushan Jiang, Zijie Pan, Xikun Zhang, Sahil Garg, Anderson Schneider, Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Dongjin Song
Specifically, we first state the challenges and motivations of applying language models in the context of time series as well as brief preliminaries of LLMs.
1 code implementation • 24 Jan 2024 • Xikun Zhang, Dongjin Song, Yixin Chen, DaCheng Tao
Memory replay based techniques have shown great success for continual learning with incrementally accumulated Euclidean data.
no code implementations • 5 Oct 2023 • Jiayuan Mao, Xuelin Yang, Xikun Zhang, Noah D. Goodman, Jiajun Wu
First, there is a lack of diversity in both event types and natural language descriptions; second, causal relationships based on manually-defined heuristics are different from human judgments.
1 code implementation • 17 Oct 2022 • Michihiro Yasunaga, Antoine Bosselut, Hongyu Ren, Xikun Zhang, Christopher D Manning, Percy Liang, Jure Leskovec
Pretraining a language model (LM) on text has been shown to help various downstream NLP tasks.
Ranked #1 on Riddle Sense on RiddleSense
1 code implementation • 21 Jan 2022 • Xikun Zhang, Antoine Bosselut, Michihiro Yasunaga, Hongyu Ren, Percy Liang, Christopher D. Manning, Jure Leskovec
Answering complex questions about textual narratives requires reasoning over both stated context and the world knowledge that underlies it.
no code implementations • 30 Nov 2021 • Xikun Zhang, Dongjin Song, DaCheng Tao
Despite significant advances in graph representation learning, little attention has been paid to the more practical continual learning scenario in which new categories of nodes (e. g., new research areas in citation networks, or new types of products in co-purchasing networks) and their associated edges are continuously emerging, causing catastrophic forgetting on previous categories.
no code implementations • ICLR 2022 • Xikun Zhang, Antoine Bosselut, Michihiro Yasunaga, Hongyu Ren, Percy Liang, Christopher D Manning, Jure Leskovec
Answering complex questions about textual narratives requires reasoning over both stated context and the world knowledge that underlies it.
2 code implementations • 16 Aug 2021 • Rishi Bommasani, Drew A. Hudson, Ehsan Adeli, Russ Altman, Simran Arora, Sydney von Arx, Michael S. Bernstein, Jeannette Bohg, Antoine Bosselut, Emma Brunskill, Erik Brynjolfsson, Shyamal Buch, Dallas Card, Rodrigo Castellon, Niladri Chatterji, Annie Chen, Kathleen Creel, Jared Quincy Davis, Dora Demszky, Chris Donahue, Moussa Doumbouya, Esin Durmus, Stefano Ermon, John Etchemendy, Kawin Ethayarajh, Li Fei-Fei, Chelsea Finn, Trevor Gale, Lauren Gillespie, Karan Goel, Noah Goodman, Shelby Grossman, Neel Guha, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Peter Henderson, John Hewitt, Daniel E. Ho, Jenny Hong, Kyle Hsu, Jing Huang, Thomas Icard, Saahil Jain, Dan Jurafsky, Pratyusha Kalluri, Siddharth Karamcheti, Geoff Keeling, Fereshte Khani, Omar Khattab, Pang Wei Koh, Mark Krass, Ranjay Krishna, Rohith Kuditipudi, Ananya Kumar, Faisal Ladhak, Mina Lee, Tony Lee, Jure Leskovec, Isabelle Levent, Xiang Lisa Li, Xuechen Li, Tengyu Ma, Ali Malik, Christopher D. Manning, Suvir Mirchandani, Eric Mitchell, Zanele Munyikwa, Suraj Nair, Avanika Narayan, Deepak Narayanan, Ben Newman, Allen Nie, Juan Carlos Niebles, Hamed Nilforoshan, Julian Nyarko, Giray Ogut, Laurel Orr, Isabel Papadimitriou, Joon Sung Park, Chris Piech, Eva Portelance, Christopher Potts, aditi raghunathan, Rob Reich, Hongyu Ren, Frieda Rong, Yusuf Roohani, Camilo Ruiz, Jack Ryan, Christopher Ré, Dorsa Sadigh, Shiori Sagawa, Keshav Santhanam, Andy Shih, Krishnan Srinivasan, Alex Tamkin, Rohan Taori, Armin W. Thomas, Florian Tramèr, Rose E. Wang, William Wang, Bohan Wu, Jiajun Wu, Yuhuai Wu, Sang Michael Xie, Michihiro Yasunaga, Jiaxuan You, Matei Zaharia, Michael Zhang, Tianyi Zhang, Xikun Zhang, Yuhui Zhang, Lucia Zheng, Kaitlyn Zhou, Percy Liang
AI is undergoing a paradigm shift with the rise of models (e. g., BERT, DALL-E, GPT-3) that are trained on broad data at scale and are adaptable to a wide range of downstream tasks.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2021 • Xikun Zhang, Dongjin Song, DaCheng Tao
The key challenge is to incorporate the feature and topological information of new nodes in a continuous and effective manner such that performance over existing nodes is uninterrupted.
no code implementations • EMNLP (BlackboxNLP) 2020 • Xikun Zhang, Deepak Ramachandran, Ian Tenney, Yanai Elazar, Dan Roth
Pretrained Language Models (LMs) have been shown to possess significant linguistic, common sense, and factual knowledge.
no code implementations • CVPR 2020 • Xikun Zhang, Chang Xu, Dacheng Tao
Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the importance of context information and the effectiveness of the proposed CA-GCN in skeleton based action recognition.
2 code implementations • 3 Aug 2019 • Srijan Kumar, Xikun Zhang, Jure Leskovec
However, existing dynamic embedding methods generate embeddings only when users take actions and do not explicitly model the future trajectory of the user/item in the embedding space.
no code implementations • 6 Dec 2018 • Srijan Kumar, Xikun Zhang, Jure Leskovec
Here we present JODIE, a coupled recurrent model to jointly learn the dynamic embeddings of users and items from a sequence of user-item interactions.
no code implementations • 16 May 2018 • Xikun Zhang, Chang Xu, Xinmei Tian, DaCheng Tao
Considering the complementarity between graph node convolution and graph edge convolution, we additionally construct two hybrid neural networks to combine graph node convolutional neural network and graph edge convolutional neural network using shared intermediate layers.