Search Results for author: Xin Ai

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

NeutronOrch: Rethinking Sample-based GNN Training under CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Environments

no code implementations22 Nov 2023 Xin Ai, Qiange Wang, Chunyu Cao, Yanfeng Zhang, Chaoyi Chen, Hao Yuan, Yu Gu, Ge Yu

After extensive experiments and analysis, we find that existing task orchestrating methods fail to fully utilize the heterogeneous resources, limited by inefficient CPU processing or GPU resource contention.

DeepOHeat: Operator Learning-based Ultra-fast Thermal Simulation in 3D-IC Design

1 code implementation25 Feb 2023 Ziyue Liu, Yixing Li, Jing Hu, Xinling Yu, Shinyu Shiau, Xin Ai, Zhiyu Zeng, Zheng Zhang

In this paper, for the first time, we propose DeepOHeat, a physics-aware operator learning framework to predict the temperature field of a family of heat equations with multiple parametric or non-parametric design configurations.

Operator learning

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