Search Results for author: Xin Pan

Found 14 papers, 5 papers with code

SaMoye: Zero-shot Singing Voice Conversion Model Based on Feature Disentanglement and Enhancement

1 code implementation10 Jul 2024 ZiHao Wang, Le Ma, Yongsheng Feng, Xin Pan, Yuhang Jin, Kejun Zhang

Singing voice conversion (SVC) aims to convert a singer's voice to another singer's from a reference audio while keeping the original semantics.

Disentanglement Voice Conversion

The stability and instability of the language control network: a longitudinal resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study

no code implementations23 Jan 2024 Zilong Li, Cong Liu, Xin Pan, Guosheng Ding, Ruiming Wang

These findings provide preliminary evidence of the coexistence of stability and instability in the language control network.

SparseByteNN: A Novel Mobile Inference Acceleration Framework Based on Fine-Grained Group Sparsity

no code implementations30 Oct 2023 Haitao Xu, Songwei Liu, Yuyang Xu, Shuai Wang, Jiashi Li, Chenqian Yan, Liangqiang Li, Lean Fu, Xin Pan, Fangmin Chen

Our framework consists of two parts: (a) A fine-grained kernel sparsity schema with a sparsity granularity between structured pruning and unstructured pruning.

Network Pruning

AutoDiffusion: Training-Free Optimization of Time Steps and Architectures for Automated Diffusion Model Acceleration

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Lijiang Li, Huixia Li, Xiawu Zheng, Jie Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan, Fei Chao, Rongrong Ji

Therefore, we propose to search the optimal time steps sequence and compressed model architecture in a unified framework to achieve effective image generation for diffusion models without any further training.

Image Generation single-image-generation

AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Detection

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Ming Li, Jie Wu, Xionghui Wang, Chen Chen, Jie Qin, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan

To this end, we propose AlignDet, a unified pre-training framework that can be adapted to various existing detectors to alleviate the discrepancies.

object-detection Object Detection

Channel-Spatial-Based Few-Shot Bird Sound Event Detection

no code implementations18 Jun 2023 Lingwen Liu, Yuxuan Feng, Haitao Fu, Yajie Yang, Xin Pan, Chenlei Jin

In this paper, we propose a model for bird sound event detection that focuses on a small number of training samples within the everyday long-tail distribution.

Event Detection Few-Shot Learning +2

FreeSeg: Unified, Universal and Open-Vocabulary Image Segmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Jie Qin, Jie Wu, Pengxiang Yan, Ming Li, Ren Yuxi, Xuefeng Xiao, Yitong Wang, Rui Wang, Shilei Wen, Xin Pan, Xingang Wang

Recently, open-vocabulary learning has emerged to accomplish segmentation for arbitrary categories of text-based descriptions, which popularizes the segmentation system to more general-purpose application scenarios.

Image Segmentation Instance Segmentation +3

Next-ViT: Next Generation Vision Transformer for Efficient Deployment in Realistic Industrial Scenarios

4 code implementations12 Jul 2022 Jiashi Li, Xin Xia, Wei Li, Huixia Li, Xing Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan

Then, Next Hybrid Strategy (NHS) is designed to stack NCB and NTB in an efficient hybrid paradigm, which boosts performance in various downstream tasks.

Image Classification

Parallel Pre-trained Transformers (PPT) for Synthetic Data-based Instance Segmentation

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Ming Li, Jie Wu, Jinhang Cai, Jie Qin, Yuxi Ren, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Rui Wang, Xin Pan

Recently, Synthetic data-based Instance Segmentation has become an exceedingly favorable optimization paradigm since it leverages simulation rendering and physics to generate high-quality image-annotation pairs.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +1

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