Search Results for author: Xin Qian

Found 13 papers, 3 papers with code

Imitation of Life: A Search Engine for Biologically Inspired Design

1 code implementation20 Dec 2023 Hen Emuna, Nadav Borenstein, Xin Qian, Hyeonsu Kang, Joel Chan, Aniket Kittur, Dafna Shahaf

We release data and code; we view BARcode as a step towards addressing the challenges that have historically hindered the practical application of BID to engineering innovation.

Natural Language Understanding

A Probabilistic Approach to Neural Network Pruning

no code implementations20 May 2021 Xin Qian, Diego Klabjan

Neural network pruning techniques reduce the number of parameters without compromising predicting ability of a network.

Network Pruning

Complex Factoid Question Answering with a Free-Text Knowledge Graph

no code implementations23 Mar 2021 Chen Zhao, Chenyan Xiong, Xin Qian, Jordan Boyd-Graber

DELFT's advantage comes from both the high coverage of its free-text knowledge graph-more than double that of dbpedia relations-and the novel graph neural network which reasons on the rich but noisy free-text evidence.

Graph Neural Network Graph Question Answering +2

Thermally Regenerative Flow Batteries with pH Neutral Electrolytes for Harvesting Low-Grade Heat

no code implementations10 Mar 2021 Xin Qian, Jungwoo Shin, Yaodong Tu, James Han Zhang, Gang Chen

This work also presents a comprehensive model with a coupled analysis of mass transfer and reaction kinetics in a porous electrode that can accurately capture the flow rate dependence of power density and energy conversion efficiency.

Applied Physics Classical Physics

Personalized Visualization Recommendation

no code implementations12 Feb 2021 Xin Qian, Ryan A. Rossi, Fan Du, Sungchul Kim, Eunyee Koh, Sana Malik, Tak Yeon Lee, Nesreen K. Ahmed

Visualization recommendation work has focused solely on scoring visualizations based on the underlying dataset and not the actual user and their past visualization feedback.

The Impact of the Mini-batch Size on the Dynamics of SGD: Variance and Beyond

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Xin Qian, Diego Klabjan

We study mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) dynamics under linear regression and deep linear networks by focusing on the variance of the gradients only given the initial weights and mini-batch size, which is the first study of this nature.


ML-based Visualization Recommendation: Learning to Recommend Visualizations from Data

no code implementations25 Sep 2020 Xin Qian, Ryan A. Rossi, Fan Du, Sungchul Kim, Eunyee Koh, Sana Malik, Tak Yeon Lee, Joel Chan

Finally, we observed a strong preference by the human experts in our user study towards the visualizations recommended by our ML-based system as opposed to the rule-based system (5. 92 from a 7-point Likert scale compared to only 3. 45).

The Impact of the Mini-batch Size on the Variance of Gradients in Stochastic Gradient Descent

no code implementations27 Apr 2020 Xin Qian, Diego Klabjan

The mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm is widely used in training machine learning models, in particular deep learning models.


Clustering Degree-Corrected Stochastic Block Model with Outliers

no code implementations7 Jun 2019 Xin Qian, Yudong Chen, Andreea Minca

For the degree corrected stochastic block model in the presence of arbitrary or even adversarial outliers, we develop a convex-optimization-based clustering algorithm that includes a penalization term depending on the positive deviation of a node from the expected number of edges to other inliers.

Clustering model +1

Dynamic Cell Structure via Recursive-Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations25 May 2019 Xin Qian, Matthew Kennedy, Diego Klabjan

In a recurrent setting, conventional approaches to neural architecture search find and fix a general model for all data samples and time steps.

Language Modelling Neural Architecture Search +1

Combined Neyman-Pearson Chi-square: An Improved Approximation to the Poisson-likelihood Chi-square

1 code implementation17 Mar 2019 Xiangpan Ji, Wenqiang Gu, Xin Qian, Hanyu Wei, Chao Zhang

We describe an approximation to the widely-used Poisson-likelihood chi-square using a linear combination of Neyman's and Pearson's chi-squares, namely "combined Neyman-Pearson chi-square" ($\chi^2_{\mathrm{CNP}}$).

Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability High Energy Physics - Experiment Nuclear Experiment

Multimodal Machine Translation with Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations7 May 2018 Xin Qian, Ziyi Zhong, Jieli Zhou

We present a novel algorithm based on the Advantage Actor-Critic (A2C) algorithm that specifically cater to the multimodal machine translation task of the EMNLP 2018 Third Conference on Machine Translation (WMT18).

Multimodal Machine Translation reinforcement-learning +3

A 20-Liter Test Stand with Gas Purification for Liquid Argon Research

1 code implementation4 Feb 2016 Yichen Li, Craig Thorn, Wei Tang, Jyoti Joshi, Xin Qian, Milind Diwan, Steve Kettell, William Morse, Triveni Rao, James Stewart, Thomas Tsang, Lige Zhang

We describe the design of a 20-liter test stand constructed to study fundamental properties of liquid argon (LAr).

Instrumentation and Detectors High Energy Physics - Experiment

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