Search Results for author: Xing Fan

Found 22 papers, 2 papers with code

Contextual Rephrase Detection for Reducing Friction in Dialogue Systems

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Zhuoyi Wang, Saurabh Gupta, Jie Hao, Xing Fan, Dingcheng Li, Alexander Hanbo Li, Chenlei Guo

Rephrase detection is used to identify the rephrases and has long been treated as a task with pairwise input, which does not fully utilize the contextual information (e. g. users’ implicit feedback).


Multi-scale Temporal Fusion Transformer for Incomplete Vehicle Trajectory Prediction

no code implementations2 Sep 2024 Zhanwen Liu, Chao Li, Yang Wang, Nan Yang, Xing Fan, Jiaqi Ma, Xiangmo Zhao

Motion prediction plays an essential role in autonomous driving systems, enabling autonomous vehicles to achieve more accurate local-path planning and driving decisions based on predictions of the surrounding vehicles.

Autonomous Driving Missing Values +2

Bringing Generative AI to Adaptive Learning in Education

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Hang Li, Tianlong Xu, Chaoli Zhang, Eason Chen, Jing Liang, Xing Fan, Haoyang Li, Jiliang Tang, Qingsong Wen

The recent surge in generative AI technologies, such as large language models and diffusion models, has boosted the development of AI applications in various domains, including science, finance, and education.


RecMind: Large Language Model Powered Agent For Recommendation

no code implementations28 Aug 2023 Yancheng Wang, Ziyan Jiang, Zheng Chen, Fan Yang, Yingxue Zhou, Eunah Cho, Xing Fan, Xiaojiang Huang, Yanbin Lu, Yingzhen Yang

While the recommendation system (RS) has advanced significantly through deep learning, current RS approaches usually train and fine-tune models on task-specific datasets, limiting their generalizability to new recommendation tasks and their ability to leverage external knowledge due to model scale and data size constraints.

Explanation Generation Language Modelling +2

Multi-Task Knowledge Enhancement for Zero-Shot and Multi-Domain Recommendation in an AI Assistant Application

no code implementations9 Jun 2023 Elan Markowitz, Ziyan Jiang, Fan Yang, Xing Fan, Tony Chen, Greg Ver Steeg, Aram Galstyan

We propose in this work to unify these approaches: Using information from interactions in other domains as well as external knowledge graphs to make predictions in a new domain that would be impossible with either information source alone.

Knowledge Graphs Recommendation Systems

Graph Meets LLM: A Novel Approach to Collaborative Filtering for Robust Conversational Understanding

no code implementations23 May 2023 Zheng Chen, Ziyan Jiang, Fan Yang, Eunah Cho, Xing Fan, Xiaojiang Huang, Yanbin Lu, Aram Galstyan

This paper presents our "Collaborative Query Rewriting" approach, which specifically addresses the task of rewriting new user interactions that have not been previously observed in the user's history.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +9

Robust Regularized Low-Rank Matrix Models for Regression and Classification

no code implementations14 May 2022 Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Feng Yu, Xing Fan, Teng Zhang

While matrix variate regression models have been studied in many existing works, classical statistical and computational methods for the analysis of the regression coefficient estimation are highly affected by high dimensional and noisy matrix-valued predictors.

Classification regression

Learning to Selectively Learn for Weakly-supervised Paraphrase Generation

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Kaize Ding, Dingcheng Li, Alexander Hanbo Li, Xing Fan, Chenlei Guo, Yang Liu, Huan Liu

In this work, we go beyond the existing paradigms and propose a novel approach to generate high-quality paraphrases with weak supervision data.

Language Modelling Meta-Learning +2

ALMA: Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Clustering Mixture Multilayer Network

no code implementations20 Feb 2021 Xing Fan, Marianna Pensky, Feng Yu, Teng Zhang

The paper considers a Mixture Multilayer Stochastic Block Model (MMLSBM), where layers can be partitioned into groups of similar networks, and networks in each group are equipped with a distinct Stochastic Block Model.

Clustering Stochastic Block Model +1

Pattern-aware Data Augmentation for Query Rewriting in Voice Assistant Systems

no code implementations21 Dec 2020 Yunmo Chen, Sixing Lu, Fan Yang, Xiaojiang Huang, Xing Fan, Chenlei Guo

Query rewriting (QR) systems are widely used to reduce the friction caused by errors in a spoken language understanding pipeline.

Data Augmentation Friction +1

Cross-Spectrum Dual-Subspace Pairing for RGB-infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification

no code implementations29 Feb 2020 Xing Fan, Hao Luo, Chi Zhang, Wei Jiang

Another challenge of RGB-infrared ReID is that the intra-person (images from the same person) discrepancy is often larger than the inter-person (images from different persons) discrepancy, so a dual-subspace pairing strategy is proposed to alleviate this problem.

Cross-Modality Person Re-identification Image Generation +1

Pre-Training for Query Rewriting in A Spoken Language Understanding System

no code implementations13 Feb 2020 Zheng Chen, Xing Fan, Yuan Ling, Lambert Mathias, Chenlei Guo

Then, inspired by the wide success of pre-trained contextual language embeddings, and also as a way to compensate for insufficient QR training data, we propose a language-modeling (LM) based approach to pre-train query embeddings on historical user conversation data with a voice assistant.

Entity Resolution Friction +5

Knowledge Distillation from Internal Representations

no code implementations8 Oct 2019 Gustavo Aguilar, Yuan Ling, Yu Zhang, Benjamin Yao, Xing Fan, Chenlei Guo

In this paper, we propose to distill the internal representations of a large model such as BERT into a simplified version of it.

Knowledge Distillation

STNReID : Deep Convolutional Networks with Pairwise Spatial Transformer Networks for Partial Person Re-identification

no code implementations17 Mar 2019 Hao Luo, Xing Fan, Chi Zhang, Wei Jiang

Competition (or confrontation) is observed between the STN module and the ReID module, and two-stage training is applied to acquire a strong STNReID for partial ReID.

Person Re-Identification

End-to-end Anchored Speech Recognition

no code implementations6 Feb 2019 Yiming Wang, Xing Fan, I-Fan Chen, Yuzong Liu, Tongfei Chen, Björn Hoffmeister

The anchored segment refers to the wake-up word part of an audio stream, which contains valuable speaker information that can be used to suppress interfering speech and background noise.

Decoder Multi-Task Learning +2

SCPNet: Spatial-Channel Parallelism Network for Joint Holistic and Partial Person Re-Identification

no code implementations16 Oct 2018 Xing Fan, Hao Luo, Xuan Zhang, Lingxiao He, Chi Zhang, Wei Jiang

Holistic person re-identification (ReID) has received extensive study in the past few years and achieves impressive progress.

Person Re-Identification

SphereReID: Deep Hypersphere Manifold Embedding for Person Re-Identification

2 code implementations2 Jul 2018 Xing Fan, Wei Jiang, Hao Luo, Mengjuan Fei

In this paper, we use a modified softmax function, termed Sphere Softmax, to solve the classification problem and learn a hypersphere manifold embedding simultaneously.

Person Re-Identification Re-Ranking

AlignedReID: Surpassing Human-Level Performance in Person Re-Identification

15 code implementations22 Nov 2017 Xuan Zhang, Hao Luo, Xing Fan, Weilai Xiang, Yixiao Sun, Qiqi Xiao, Wei Jiang, Chi Zhang, Jian Sun

In this paper, we propose a novel method called AlignedReID that extracts a global feature which is jointly learned with local features.

Person Re-Identification

Transfer Learning for Neural Semantic Parsing

no code implementations WS 2017 Xing Fan, Emilio Monti, Lambert Mathias, Markus Dreyer

The goal of semantic parsing is to map natural language to a machine interpretable meaning representation language (MRL).

Semantic Parsing Transfer Learning

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