Search Results for author: Xingyuan Chen

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

A Mean Field Ansatz for Zero-Shot Weight Transfer

no code implementations16 Aug 2024 Xingyuan Chen, Wenwei Kuang, Lei Deng, Wei Han, Bo Bai, Goncalo dos Reis

Specifically, we propose the row-column (RC) ansatz under the mean field point of view, which describes the measure structure of the weights in the neural network (NN) and admits a close measure dynamic.

Tactics2D: A Highly Modular and Extensible Simulator for Driving Decision-making

2 code implementations18 Nov 2023 Yueyuan Li, Songan Zhang, Mingyang Jiang, Xingyuan Chen, Yeqiang Qian, Chunxiang Wang, Ming Yang

Simulation is a prospective method for generating diverse and realistic traffic scenarios to aid in the development of driving decision-making systems.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +4

The Diversity Metrics of Sub-models based on SVD of Jacobians for Ensembles Adversarial Robustness

no code implementations AAAI Workshop AdvML 2022 Ruoxi Qin, Linyuan Wang, Xuehui Du, Bin Yan, Xingyuan Chen

A new constraints norm is proposed in model training based on these criteria to isolate adversarial transferability without any prior knowledge of adversarial samples.

Adversarial Robustness Attribute +3

Dynamic Defense Approach for Adversarial Robustness in Deep Neural Networks via Stochastic Ensemble Smoothed Model

no code implementations6 May 2021 Ruoxi Qin, Linyuan Wang, Xingyuan Chen, Xuehui Du, Bin Yan

The defense strategies are particularly passive in these processes, and enhancing initiative of such strategies can be an effective way to get out of this arms race.

Adversarial Robustness Attribute

Distributional Discrepancy: A Metric for Unconditional Text Generation

1 code implementation4 May 2020 Ping Cai, Xingyuan Chen, Peng Jin, Hongjun Wang, Tianrui Li

The purpose of unconditional text generation is to train a model with real sentences, then generate novel sentences of the same quality and diversity as the training data.

Diversity Language Modelling +1

Adding A Filter Based on The Discriminator to Improve Unconditional Text Generation

1 code implementation5 Apr 2020 Xingyuan Chen, Ping Cai, Peng Jin, Hongjun Wang, Xin-yu Dai, Jia-Jun Chen

To alleviate the exposure bias, generative adversarial networks (GAN) use the discriminator to update the generator's parameters directly, but they fail by being evaluated precisely.

Language Modelling Text Generation

The Detection of Distributional Discrepancy for Text Generation

no code implementations28 Sep 2019 Xingyuan Chen, Ping Cai, Peng Jin, Haokun Du, Hongjun Wang, Xingyu Dai, Jia-Jun Chen

In this paper, we theoretically propose two metric functions to measure the distributional difference between real text and generated text.

Language Modelling Text Generation

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