Search Results for author: Xinjing Huang

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

PanGu-Σ: Towards Trillion Parameter Language Model with Sparse Heterogeneous Computing

no code implementations20 Mar 2023 Xiaozhe Ren, Pingyi Zhou, Xinfan Meng, Xinjing Huang, Yadao Wang, Weichao Wang, Pengfei Li, Xiaoda Zhang, Alexander Podolskiy, Grigory Arshinov, Andrey Bout, Irina Piontkovskaya, Jiansheng Wei, Xin Jiang, Teng Su, Qun Liu, Jun Yao

In this work, we develop a system that trained a trillion-parameter language model on a cluster of Ascend 910 AI processors and MindSpore framework, and present the language model with 1. 085T parameters named PanGu-{\Sigma}.

Code Generation Language Modeling +5

Task-Oriented Conversation Generation Using Heterogeneous Memory Networks

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Zehao Lin, Xinjing Huang, Feng Ji, Haiqing Chen, Ying Zhang

How to incorporate external knowledge into a neural dialogue model is critically important for dialogue systems to behave like real humans.


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