Search Results for author: Xinlei Pan

Found 12 papers, 3 papers with code

Generative AI for Rapid Diffusion MRI with Improved Image Quality, Reliability and Generalizability

1 code implementation10 Mar 2023 Amir Sadikov, Xinlei Pan, Hannah Choi, Lanya T. Cai, Pratik Mukherjee

Swin UNeTR enables rapid diffusion MRI with unprecedented accuracy and reliability, especially for probing biological tissues for scientific and clinical applications.

Denoising Super-Resolution

Imitation Is Not Enough: Robustifying Imitation with Reinforcement Learning for Challenging Driving Scenarios

no code implementations21 Dec 2022 Yiren Lu, Justin Fu, George Tucker, Xinlei Pan, Eli Bronstein, Rebecca Roelofs, Benjamin Sapp, Brandyn White, Aleksandra Faust, Shimon Whiteson, Dragomir Anguelov, Sergey Levine

To our knowledge, this is the first application of a combined imitation and reinforcement learning approach in autonomous driving that utilizes large amounts of real-world human driving data.

Autonomous Driving Imitation Learning +3

Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Monetary Model

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Mingli Chen, Andreas Joseph, Michael Kumhof, Xinlei Pan, Xuan Zhou

We propose using deep reinforcement learning to solve dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models.

Deep Reinforcement Learning model +2

Emergent Hand Morphology and Control from Optimizing Robust Grasps of Diverse Objects

no code implementations22 Dec 2020 Xinlei Pan, Animesh Garg, Animashree Anandkumar, Yuke Zhu

Through experimentation and comparative study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in discovering robust and cost-efficient hand morphologies for grasping novel objects.

Bayesian Optimization MORPH

Zero-shot Imitation Learning from Demonstrations for Legged Robot Visual Navigation

no code implementations27 Sep 2019 Xinlei Pan, Tingnan Zhang, Brian Ichter, Aleksandra Faust, Jie Tan, Sehoon Ha

Here, we propose a zero-shot imitation learning approach for training a visual navigation policy on legged robots from human (third-person perspective) demonstrations, enabling high-quality navigation and cost-effective data collection.

Disentanglement Imitation Learning +1

How You Act Tells a Lot: Privacy-Leakage Attack on Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations24 Apr 2019 Xinlei Pan, Wei-Yao Wang, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Bo Li, Jin-Feng Yi, Dawn Song

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to investigate privacy leakage in DRL settings and we show that DRL-based agents do potentially leak privacy-sensitive information from the trained policies.

Autonomous Driving continuous-control +5

Risk Averse Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations31 Mar 2019 Xinlei Pan, Daniel Seita, Yang Gao, John Canny

In this paper we introduce risk-averse robust adversarial reinforcement learning (RARARL), using a risk-averse protagonist and a risk-seeking adversary.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Label and Sample: Efficient Training of Vehicle Object Detector from Sparsely Labeled Data

no code implementations26 Aug 2018 Xinlei Pan, Sung-Li Chiang, John Canny

First, we note that an optimal subset (relative to all the objects encountered and labeled) of labeled objects in images can be obtained by importance sampling using gradients of the recognition network.

object-detection Object Detection +1

Human-Interactive Subgoal Supervision for Efficient Inverse Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations22 Jun 2018 Xinlei Pan, Eshed Ohn-Bar, Nicholas Rhinehart, Yan Xu, Yilin Shen, Kris M. Kitani

The learning process is interactive, with a human expert first providing input in the form of full demonstrations along with some subgoal states.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Virtual to Real Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

6 code implementations13 Apr 2017 Xinlei Pan, Yurong You, Ziyan Wang, Cewu Lu

To our knowledge, this is the first successful case of driving policy trained by reinforcement learning that can adapt to real world driving data.

Autonomous Driving Domain Adaptation +6

An Efficient Minibatch Acceptance Test for Metropolis-Hastings

no code implementations19 Oct 2016 Daniel Seita, Xinlei Pan, Haoyu Chen, John Canny

We present a novel Metropolis-Hastings method for large datasets that uses small expected-size minibatches of data.

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