Search Results for author: Xinran Fang

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Sensing-Communication-Computing-Control Closed-Loop Optimization for 6G Unmanned Robotic Systems

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Xinran Fang, Chengleyang Lei, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ming Xiao, Ning Ge, Chengxiang Wang

We derive optimal closed-form solutions for intra-loop allocation and propose an efficient iterative algorithm for inter-loop optimization.


Structured Connectivity for 6G Reflex Arc: Task-Oriented Virtual User and New Uplink-Downlink Tradeoff

no code implementations24 Oct 2024 Xinran Fang, Chengleyang Lei, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Shi Jin

To maintain the task-level connections between the sensor-computing center link and the computing center-actuator link, we propose to treat the sensor and actuator as a virtual user.


Control-Oriented Deep Space Communications For Unmanned Space Exploration

no code implementations7 Aug 2023 Xinran Fang, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Gan Zheng

In this paper, we propose a communication optimization scheme for a specific cooperation system named the "mother-daughter system".

Joint Communication and Sensing: Models and Potential of Using MIMO

no code implementations19 May 2022 Xinran Fang, Wei Feng, Yunfei Chen, Ning Ge, Yan Zhang

In this survey, we discuss joint communication and sensing (JCAS) in the context of MIMO.

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