Search Results for author: Xinyuan Zhang

Found 25 papers, 9 papers with code

Reliable Deep Diffusion Tensor Estimation: Rethinking the Power of Data-Driven Optimization Routine

no code implementations4 Sep 2024 Jialong Li, Zhicheng Zhang, Yunwei Chen, Qiqi Lu, Ye Wu, Xiaoming Liu, Qianjin Feng, Yanqiu Feng, Xinyuan Zhang

The former fits DW images from diverse acquisition settings into diffusion tensor field, while the latter applies a deep learning-based denoiser to regularize the diffusion tensor field instead of the DW images, which is free from the limitation of fixed-channel assignment of the network.


Continuous-Time Digital Twin with Analogue Memristive Neural Ordinary Differential Equation Solver

1 code implementation12 Jun 2024 Hegan Chen, Jichang Yang, Jia Chen, Songqi Wang, Shaocong Wang, Dingchen Wang, Xinyu Tian, Yifei Yu, Xi Chen, Yinan Lin, Yangu He, Xiaoshan Wu, Xinyuan Zhang, Ning Lin, Meng Xu, Yi Li, Xumeng Zhang, Zhongrui Wang, Han Wang, Dashan Shang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

We experimentally validate our approach by developing a digital twin of the HP memristor, which accurately extrapolates its nonlinear dynamics, achieving a 4. 2-fold projected speedup and a 41. 4-fold projected decrease in energy consumption compared to state-of-the-art digital hardware, while maintaining an acceptable error margin.

Edge Intelligence Optimization for Large Language Model Inference with Batching and Quantization

no code implementations12 May 2024 Xinyuan Zhang, Jiang Liu, Zehui Xiong, Yudong Huang, Gaochang Xie, Ran Zhang

Specifically, with the deployment of the batching technique and model quantization on resource-limited edge devices, we formulate an inference model for transformer decoder-based LLMs.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +3

FastFace: Fast-converging Scheduler for Large-scale Face Recognition Training with One GPU

1 code implementation17 Apr 2024 Xueyuan Gong, Zhiquan Liu, Yain-Whar Si, Xiaochen Yuan, Ke Wang, Xiaoxiang Liu, Cong Lin, Xinyuan Zhang

Computing power has evolved into a foundational and indispensable resource in the area of deep learning, particularly in tasks such as Face Recognition (FR) model training on large-scale datasets, where multiple GPUs are often a necessity.

Face Recognition Scheduling

Efficient and accurate neural field reconstruction using resistive memory

no code implementations15 Apr 2024 Yifei Yu, Shaocong Wang, Woyu Zhang, Xinyuan Zhang, Xiuzhe Wu, Yangu He, Jichang Yang, Yue Zhang, Ning Lin, Bo wang, Xi Chen, Songqi Wang, Xumeng Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi, Zhongrui Wang, Dashan Shang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

The GE harnesses the intrinsic stochasticity of resistive memory for efficient input encoding, while the PE achieves precise weight mapping through a Hardware-Aware Quantization (HAQ) circuit.

Novel View Synthesis Quantization

Resistive Memory-based Neural Differential Equation Solver for Score-based Diffusion Model

1 code implementation8 Apr 2024 Jichang Yang, Hegan Chen, Jia Chen, Songqi Wang, Shaocong Wang, Yifei Yu, Xi Chen, Bo wang, Xinyuan Zhang, Binbin Cui, Ning Lin, Meng Xu, Yi Li, Xiaoxin Xu, Xiaojuan Qi, Zhongrui Wang, Xumeng Zhang, Dashan Shang, Han Wang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

Demonstrating equivalent generative quality to the software baseline, our system achieved remarkable enhancements in generative speed for both unconditional and conditional generation tasks, by factors of 64. 8 and 156. 5, respectively.


Fast and Accurate Factual Inconsistency Detection Over Long Documents

1 code implementation19 Oct 2023 Barrett Martin Lattimer, Patrick Chen, Xinyuan Zhang, Yi Yang

We introduce SCALE (Source Chunking Approach for Large-scale inconsistency Evaluation), a task-agnostic model for detecting factual inconsistencies using a novel chunking strategy.

Chunking Natural Language Inference +3

GIU-GANs: Global Information Utilization for Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations25 Jan 2022 Yongqi Tian, Xueyuan Gong, Jialin Tang, Binghua Su, Xiaoxiang Liu, Xinyuan Zhang

To overcome the aforementioned limitations, in this paper, we propose a new GANs called Involution Generative Adversarial Networks (GIU-GANs).

Image Generation

KDCTime: Knowledge Distillation with Calibration on InceptionTime for Time-series Classification

no code implementations4 Dec 2021 Xueyuan Gong, Yain-Whar Si, Yongqi Tian, Cong Lin, Xinyuan Zhang, Xiaoxiang Liu

Time-series classification approaches based on deep neural networks are easy to be overfitting on UCR datasets, which is caused by the few-shot problem of those datasets.

Knowledge Distillation Time Series +2

Deep-Learning-Enabled Inverse Engineering of Multi-Wavelength Invisibility-to-Superscattering Switching with Phase-Change Materials

no code implementations25 Dec 2020 Jie Luo, Xun Li, Xinyuan Zhang, Jiajie Guo, Wei Liu, Yun Lai, Yaohui Zhan, Min Huang

Inverse design of nanoparticles for desired scattering spectra and dynamic switching between the two opposite scattering anomalies, i. e. superscattering and invisibility, is important in realizing cloaking, sensing and functional devices.


Semantic Matching for Sequence-to-Sequence Learning

no code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Ruiyi Zhang, Changyou Chen, Xinyuan Zhang, Ke Bai, Lawrence Carin

In sequence-to-sequence models, classical optimal transport (OT) can be applied to semantically match generated sentences with target sentences.

Unsupervised Abstractive Dialogue Summarization for Tete-a-Tetes

no code implementations15 Sep 2020 Xinyuan Zhang, Ruiyi Zhang, Manzil Zaheer, Amr Ahmed

High-quality dialogue-summary paired data is expensive to produce and domain-sensitive, making abstractive dialogue summarization a challenging task.

Abstractive Dialogue Summarization dialogue summary +2

Learning Compressed Sentence Representations for On-Device Text Processing

1 code implementation ACL 2019 Dinghan Shen, Pengyu Cheng, Dhanasekar Sundararaman, Xinyuan Zhang, Qian Yang, Meng Tang, Asli Celikyilmaz, Lawrence Carin

Vector representations of sentences, trained on massive text corpora, are widely used as generic sentence embeddings across a variety of NLP problems.

Retrieval Sentence +1

Syntax-Infused Variational Autoencoder for Text Generation

no code implementations ACL 2019 Xinyuan Zhang, Yi Yang, Siyang Yuan, Dinghan Shen, Lawrence Carin

We present a syntax-infused variational autoencoder (SIVAE), that integrates sentences with their syntactic trees to improve the grammar of generated sentences.

Sentence Text Generation

Improved Semantic-Aware Network Embedding with Fine-Grained Word Alignment

no code implementations EMNLP 2018 Dinghan Shen, Xinyuan Zhang, Ricardo Henao, Lawrence Carin

Network embeddings, which learn low-dimensional representations for each vertex in a large-scale network, have received considerable attention in recent years.

Link Prediction Network Embedding +1

Diffusion Maps for Textual Network Embedding

no code implementations NeurIPS 2018 Xinyuan Zhang, Yitong Li, Dinghan Shen, Lawrence Carin

Textual network embedding leverages rich text information associated with the network to learn low-dimensional vectorial representations of vertices.

General Classification Link Prediction +1

Joint Embedding of Words and Labels for Text Classification

2 code implementations ACL 2018 Guoyin Wang, Chunyuan Li, Wenlin Wang, Yizhe Zhang, Dinghan Shen, Xinyuan Zhang, Ricardo Henao, Lawrence Carin

Word embeddings are effective intermediate representations for capturing semantic regularities between words, when learning the representations of text sequences.

General Classification Sentiment Analysis +2

Multi-Label Learning from Medical Plain Text with Convolutional Residual Models

no code implementations15 Jan 2018 Xinyuan Zhang, Ricardo Henao, Zhe Gan, Yitong Li, Lawrence Carin

Since diagnoses are typically correlated, a deep residual network is employed on top of the CNN encoder, to capture label (diagnosis) dependencies and incorporate information directly from the encoded sentence vector.

General Classification Multi-Label Classification +5

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