Search Results for author: Xinyue Liu

Found 18 papers, 5 papers with code

Hawkes based Representation Learning for Reasoning over Scale-free Community-structured Temporal Knowledge Graphs

1 code implementation28 Dec 2024 Yuwei Du, Xinyue Liu, Wenxin Liang, Linlin Zong, Xianchao Zhang

In this paper, we propose a novel TKG reasoning model called Hawkes process-based Evolutional Representation Learning Network (HERLN), which learns structural information and evolutional patterns of a TKG simultaneously, considering the characteristics of real-world networks: community structure, scale-free and temporal decaying.

Knowledge Graphs Representation Learning

Multimodal Industrial Anomaly Detection by Crossmodal Reverse Distillation

1 code implementation12 Dec 2024 Xinyue Liu, Jianyuan Wang, Biao Leng, Shuo Zhang

Anomalies in one modality may not be effectively captured in the fused teacher features, leading to detection failures.

Anomaly Detection Knowledge Distillation

Unlocking the Potential of Reverse Distillation for Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation10 Dec 2024 Xinyue Liu, Jianyuan Wang, Biao Leng, Shuo Zhang

Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a promising approach for unsupervised Anomaly Detection (AD).

Ranked #4 on Anomaly Detection on BTAD (using extra training data)

Decoder Knowledge Distillation +1

ONER: Online Experience Replay for Incremental Anomaly Detection

no code implementations5 Dec 2024 Yizhou Jin, Jiahui Zhu, Guodong Wang, Shiwei Li, Jinjin Zhang, Qingjie Liu, Xinyue Liu, Yunhong Wang

Specifically, our framework utilizes two types of experiences from past tasks: decomposed prompts and semantic prototypes, addressing both model parameter updates and feature optimization.

Anomaly Detection

Improve Meta-learning for Few-Shot Text Classification with All You Can Acquire from the Tasks

1 code implementation14 Oct 2024 Xinyue Liu, Yunlong Gao, Linlin Zong, Bo Xu

Meta-learning has emerged as a prominent technology for few-shot text classification and has achieved promising performance.

Few-Shot Text Classification Meta-Learning +1

GNSS Interference Classification Using Federated Reservoir Computing

no code implementations23 Aug 2024 Ziqiang Ye, Yulan Gao, Xinyue Liu, Yue Xiao, Ming Xiao, Saviour Zammit

The expanding use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in vital areas like traffic management, surveillance, and environmental monitoring highlights the need for robust communication and navigation systems.

Classification Management

Dual-Modeling Decouple Distillation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

no code implementations7 Aug 2024 Xinyue Liu, Jianyuan Wang, Biao Leng, Shuo Zhang

In DMDD, a Decouple Student-Teacher Network is proposed to decouple the initial student features into normality and abnormality features.

Anomaly Localization Knowledge Distillation +1

Leveraging Foundation Models for Multi-modal Federated Learning with Incomplete Modality

no code implementations16 Jun 2024 Liwei Che, Jiaqi Wang, Xinyue Liu, Fenglong Ma

To tackle the problems, we propose a novel multi-modal federated learning method, Federated Multi-modal contrastiVe training with Pre-trained completion (FedMVP), which integrates the large-scale pre-trained models to enhance the federated training.

Federated Learning Image-text Classification +3

QIENet: Quantitative irradiance estimation network using recurrent neural network based on satellite remote sensing data

no code implementations1 Dec 2023 Longfeng Nie, Yuntian Chen, Dongxiao Zhang, Xinyue Liu, Wentian Yuan

Specifically, the temporal and spatial characteristics of remote sensing data of the satellite Himawari-8 are extracted and fused by recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolution operation, respectively.

Multi-State Brain Network Discovery

no code implementations4 Nov 2023 Hang Yin, Yao Su, Xinyue Liu, Thomas Hartvigsen, Yanhua Li, Xiangnan Kong

We refer to such brain networks as multi-state, and this mixture can help us understand human behavior.

Gaussian Mixture Graphical Lasso with Application to Edge Detection in Brain Networks

no code implementations13 Jan 2021 Hang Yin, Xinyue Liu, Xiangnan Kong

Existing works mainly focus on unimodal distributions, where it is usually assumed that the observed activities aregenerated from asingleGaussian distribution (i. e., one graph). However, this assumption is too strong for many real-worldapplications.

Edge Detection

Multi-task Learning of Spoken Language Understanding by Integrating N-Best Hypotheses with Hierarchical Attention

no code implementations COLING 2020 Mingda Li, Xinyue Liu, Weitong Ruan, Luca Soldaini, Wael Hamza, Chengwei Su

The comparison shows that our model could recover the transcription by integrating the fragmented information among hypotheses and identifying the frequent error patterns of the ASR module, and even rewrite the query for a better understanding, which reveals the characteristic of multi-task learning of broadcasting knowledge.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +6

Enhance Robustness of Sequence Labelling with Masked Adversarial Training

no code implementations Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Luoxin Chen, Xinyue Liu, Weitong Ruan, Jianhua Lu

Adversarial training (AT) has shown strong regularization effects on deep learning algorithms by introducing small input perturbations to improve model robustness.

Ranked #3 on Chunking on CoNLL 2000 (using extra training data)

Chunking named-entity-recognition +5

SeqVAT: Virtual Adversarial Training for Semi-Supervised Sequence Labeling

no code implementations ACL 2020 Luoxin Chen, Weitong Ruan, Xinyue Liu, Jianhua Lu

Virtual adversarial training (VAT) is a powerful technique to improve model robustness in both supervised and semi-supervised settings.

Chunking General Classification +6

Improving Spoken Language Understanding By Exploiting ASR N-best Hypotheses

no code implementations11 Jan 2020 Mingda Li, Weitong Ruan, Xinyue Liu, Luca Soldaini, Wael Hamza, Chengwei Su

The NLU module usually uses the first best interpretation of a given speech in downstream tasks such as domain and intent classification.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +5

Signed Distance-based Deep Memory Recommender

1 code implementation1 May 2019 Thanh Tran, Xinyue Liu, Kyumin Lee, Xiangnan Kong

Personalized recommendation algorithms learn a user's preference for an item by measuring a distance/similarity between them.

Recommendation Systems

TreeGAN: Syntax-Aware Sequence Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations22 Aug 2018 Xinyue Liu, Xiangnan Kong, Lei Liu, Kuorong Chiang

To address these issues, we study the problem of syntax-aware sequence generation with GANs, in which a collection of real sequences and a set of pre-defined grammatical rules are given to both discriminator and generator.

Image Generation

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