Search Results for author: Xiong Liu

Found 10 papers, 0 papers with code

MMEvol: Empowering Multimodal Large Language Models with Evol-Instruct

no code implementations9 Sep 2024 Run Luo, Haonan Zhang, Longze Chen, Ting-En Lin, Xiong Liu, Yuchuan Wu, Min Yang, Minzheng Wang, Pengpeng Zeng, Lianli Gao, Heng Tao Shen, Yunshui Li, Xiaobo Xia, Fei Huang, Jingkuan Song, Yongbin Li

This framework iteratively improve data quality through a refined combination of fine-grained perception, cognitive reasoning, and interaction evolution, generating a more complex and diverse image-text instruction dataset that empowers MLLMs with enhanced capabilities.

Diversity Visual Reasoning

Improving Factual Consistency of Text Summarization by Adversarially Decoupling Comprehension and Embellishment Abilities of LLMs

no code implementations30 Oct 2023 Huawen Feng, Yan Fan, Xiong Liu, Ting-En Lin, Zekun Yao, Yuchuan Wu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li, Qianli Ma

Despite the recent progress in text summarization made by large language models (LLMs), they often generate summaries that are factually inconsistent with original articles, known as "hallucinations" in text generation.

Text Generation Text Summarization

Clinical Trial Recommendations Using Semantics-Based Inductive Inference and Knowledge Graph Embeddings

no code implementations27 Sep 2023 Murthy V. Devarakonda, Smita Mohanty, Raja Rao Sunkishala, Nag Mallampalli, Xiong Liu

We addressed several important research questions in this context, including designing a knowledge graph (KG) for clinical trial data, effectiveness of various KG embedding (KGE) methods for it, a novel inductive inference using KGE, and its use in generating recommendations for clinical trial design.

Knowledge Graph Embeddings text similarity

Customizing Knowledge Graph Embedding to Improve Clinical Study Recommendation

no code implementations28 Dec 2022 Xiong Liu, Iya Khalil, Murthy Devarakonda

We propose custom2vec, an algorithmic framework to customize graph embeddings by incorporating user preferences in training the embeddings.

Information Retrieval Knowledge Graph Embedding +3

A Scalable AI Approach for Clinical Trial Cohort Optimization

no code implementations7 Sep 2021 Xiong Liu, Cheng Shi, Uday Deore, Yingbo Wang, Myah Tran, Iya Khalil, Murthy Devarakonda

FDA has been promoting enrollment practices that could enhance the diversity of clinical trial populations, through broadening eligibility criteria.


The impact of external innovation on new drug approvals: A retrospective analysis

no code implementations2 Feb 2021 Xiong Liu, Craig E. Thomas, Christian C. Felder

Pharmaceutical companies are relying more often on external sources of innovation to boost their discovery research productivity.

Applications of artificial intelligence in drug development using real-world data

no code implementations22 Jan 2021 Zhaoyi Chen, Xiong Liu, William Hogan, Elizabeth Shenkman, Jiang Bian

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been actively promoting the use of real-world data (RWD) in drug development.

Event Detection

Attention-Based LSTM Network for COVID-19 Clinical Trial Parsing

no code implementations18 Dec 2020 Xiong Liu, Luca A. Finelli, Greg L. Hersch, Iya Khalil

COVID-19 clinical trial design is a critical task in developing therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

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