Search Results for author: Xiongkun Linghu

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Multi-modal Situated Reasoning in 3D Scenes

no code implementations4 Sep 2024 Xiongkun Linghu, Jiangyong Huang, Xuesong Niu, Xiaojian Ma, Baoxiong Jia, Siyuan Huang

Comprehensive evaluations on MSQA and MSNN highlight the limitations of existing vision-language models and underscore the importance of handling multi-modal interleaved inputs and situation modeling.

Diversity Question Answering

An Embodied Generalist Agent in 3D World

1 code implementation18 Nov 2023 Jiangyong Huang, Silong Yong, Xiaojian Ma, Xiongkun Linghu, Puhao Li, Yan Wang, Qing Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Baoxiong Jia, Siyuan Huang

However, several significant challenges remain: (i) most of these models rely on 2D images yet exhibit a limited capacity for 3D input; (ii) these models rarely explore the tasks inherently defined in 3D world, e. g., 3D grounding, embodied reasoning and acting.

3D dense captioning Question Answering +3

Bayesian Evidential Learning for Few-Shot Classification

no code implementations19 Jul 2022 Xiongkun Linghu, Yan Bai, Yihang Lou, Shengsen Wu, Jinze Li, Jianzhong He, Tao Bai

Few-Shot Classification(FSC) aims to generalize from base classes to novel classes given very limited labeled samples, which is an important step on the path toward human-like machine learning.

Classification Metric Learning +1

Memory-Based Label-Text Tuning for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

no code implementations3 Jul 2022 Jinze Li, Yan Bai, Yihang Lou, Xiongkun Linghu, Jianzhong He, Shaoyun Xu, Tao Bai

The difficulties are that training on a sequence of limited data from new tasks leads to severe overfitting issues and causes the well-known catastrophic forgetting problem.

class-incremental learning Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning +1

Switchable Representation Learning Framework with Self-compatibility

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Shengsen Wu, Yan Bai, Yihang Lou, Xiongkun Linghu, Jianzhong He, Ling-Yu Duan

Existing research mainly focuses on the one-to-one compatible paradigm, which is limited in learning compatibility among multiple models.

Representation Learning

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