Search Results for author: Xiongye Xiao

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

Multi-scale Generative Modeling for Fast Sampling

no code implementations14 Nov 2024 Xiongye Xiao, Shixuan Li, Luzhe Huang, Gengshuo Liu, Trung-Kien Nguyen, Yi Huang, Di Chang, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Paul Bogdan

While working within the spatial domain can pose problems associated with ill-conditioned scores caused by power-law decay, recent advances in diffusion-based generative models have shown that transitioning to the wavelet domain offers a promising alternative.

Multi-scale Conditional Generative Modeling for Microscopic Image Restoration

no code implementations7 Jul 2024 Luzhe Huang, Xiongye Xiao, Shixuan Li, Jiawen Sun, Yi Huang, Aydogan Ozcan, Paul Bogdan

The advance of diffusion-based generative models in recent years has revolutionized state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques in a wide variety of image analysis and synthesis tasks, whereas their adaptation on image restoration, particularly within computational microscopy remains theoretically and empirically underexplored.

Diversity Image Generation +1

A structure-aware framework for learning device placements on computation graphs

no code implementations23 May 2024 Shukai Duan, Heng Ping, Nikos Kanakaris, Xiongye Xiao, Peiyu Zhang, Panagiotis Kyriakis, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Guixiang Ma, Mihai Capota, Shahin Nazarian, Theodore L. Willke, Paul Bogdan

To bridge the gap between encoder-placer and grouper-placer techniques, we propose a novel framework for the task of device placement, relying on smaller computation graphs extracted from the OpenVINO toolkit using reinforcement learning.

graph partitioning Graph Representation Learning +1

Neuro-Inspired Information-Theoretic Hierarchical Perception for Multimodal Learning

1 code implementation15 Apr 2024 Xiongye Xiao, Gengshuo Liu, Gaurav Gupta, Defu Cao, Shixuan Li, Yaxing Li, Tianqing Fang, Mingxi Cheng, Paul Bogdan

Integrating and processing information from various sources or modalities are critical for obtaining a comprehensive and accurate perception of the real world in autonomous systems and cyber-physical systems.

Binary Classification Representation Learning

Exploring Neuron Interactions and Emergence in LLMs: From the Multifractal Analysis Perspective

1 code implementation14 Feb 2024 Xiongye Xiao, Chenyu Zhou, Heng Ping, Defu Cao, Yaxing Li, Yizhuo Zhou, Shixuan Li, Paul Bogdan

Prior studies on the emergence in large models have primarily focused on how the functional capabilities of large language models (LLMs) scale with model size.

Discovering Malicious Signatures in Software from Structural Interactions

no code implementations19 Dec 2023 Chenzhong Yin, Hantang Zhang, Mingxi Cheng, Xiongye Xiao, Xinghe Chen, Xin Ren, Paul Bogdan

Malware represents a significant security concern in today's digital landscape, as it can destroy or disable operating systems, steal sensitive user information, and occupy valuable disk space.

Malware Detection

Leveraging Reinforcement Learning and Large Language Models for Code Optimization

no code implementations9 Dec 2023 Shukai Duan, Nikos Kanakaris, Xiongye Xiao, Heng Ping, Chenyu Zhou, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Guixiang Ma, Mihai Capota, Theodore L. Willke, Shahin Nazarian, Paul Bogdan

We compare our framework with existing state-of-the-art models and show that it is more efficient with respect to speed and computational usage, as a result of the decrement in training steps and its applicability to models with fewer parameters.

Language Modelling reinforcement-learning +2

Leader-Follower Neural Networks with Local Error Signals Inspired by Complex Collectives

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Chenzhong Yin, Mingxi Cheng, Xiongye Xiao, Xinghe Chen, Shahin Nazarian, Andrei Irimia, Paul Bogdan

Motivated by the intricacy of these collectives, we propose a neural network (NN) architecture inspired by the rules observed in nature's collective ensembles.

Neuro-Inspired Hierarchical Multimodal Learning

no code implementations27 Sep 2023 Xiongye Xiao, Gengshuo Liu, Gaurav Gupta, Defu Cao, Shixuan Li, Yaxing Li, Tianqing Fang, Mingxi Cheng, Paul Bogdan

Integrating and processing information from various sources or modalities are critical for obtaining a comprehensive and accurate perception of the real world.

Coupled Multiwavelet Neural Operator Learning for Coupled Partial Differential Equations

1 code implementation4 Mar 2023 Xiongye Xiao, Defu Cao, Ruochen Yang, Gaurav Gupta, Gengshuo Liu, Chenzhong Yin, Radu Balan, Paul Bogdan

Coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) are key tasks in modeling the complex dynamics of many physical processes.

Operator learning

Non-Linear Operator Approximations for Initial Value Problems

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Gaurav Gupta, Xiongye Xiao, Radu Balan, Paul Bogdan

The Padé exponential operator uses a $\textit{recurrent structure with shared parameters}$ to model the non-linearity compared to recent neural operators that rely on using multiple linear operator layers in succession.

Multiwavelet-based Operator Learning for Differential Equations

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Gaurav Gupta, Xiongye Xiao, Paul Bogdan

The solution of a partial differential equation can be obtained by computing the inverse operator map between the input and the solution space.

Operator learning

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