Search Results for author: Xiping Wang

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Generic and Robust Root Cause Localization for Multi-Dimensional Data in Online Service Systems

1 code implementation5 May 2023 Zeyan Li, Junjie Chen, Yihao Chen, Chengyang Luo, Yiwei Zhao, Yongqian Sun, Kaixin Sui, Xiping Wang, Dapeng Liu, Xing Jin, Qi Wang, Dan Pei

Such attribute combinations are substantial clues to the underlying root causes and thus are called root causes of multidimensional data.


A Multi-Task Learning Model for Super Resolution of Wireless Channel Characteristics

no code implementations9 Sep 2022 Xiping Wang, Zhao Zhang, Danping He, Ke Guan, Dongliang Liu, Jianwu Dou

The contribution in this paper could be helpful in channel modeling, network optimization, positioning and other wireless channel characteristics related work by largely reducing workload of simulation or measurement.

Multi-Task Learning Super-Resolution

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