Search Results for author: Xiuli Li

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

PSTNet: Enhanced Polyp Segmentation with Multi-scale Alignment and Frequency Domain Integration

no code implementations13 Sep 2024 Wenhao Xu, Rongtao Xu, Changwei Wang, Xiuli Li, Shibiao Xu, Li Guo

Accurate segmentation of colorectal polyps in colonoscopy images is crucial for effective diagnosis and management of colorectal cancer (CRC).

Management Segmentation

Symmetry-Enhanced Attention Network for Acute Ischemic Infarct Segmentation with Non-Contrast CT Images

1 code implementation11 Oct 2021 Kongming Liang, Kai Han, Xiuli Li, Xiaoqing Cheng, Yiming Li, Yizhou Wang, Yizhou Yu

In this paper, we propose a symmetry enhanced attention network (SEAN) for acute ischemic infarct segmentation.

Segmentation-based Method combined with Dynamic Programming for Brain Midline Delineation

no code implementations27 Feb 2020 Shen Wang, Kongming Liang, Chengwei Pan, Chuyang Ye, Xiuli Li, Feng Liu, Yizhou Yu, Yizhou Wang

The midline related pathological image features are crucial for evaluating the severity of brain compression caused by stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Decision Making

Deep Snake for Real-Time Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Sida Peng, Wen Jiang, Huaijin Pi, Xiuli Li, Hujun Bao, Xiaowei Zhou

Based on deep snake, we develop a two-stage pipeline for instance segmentation: initial contour proposal and contour deformation, which can handle errors in object localization.

Object Object Localization +3

Predictive Ensemble Learning with Application to Scene Text Detection

no code implementations12 May 2019 Danlu Chen, Xu-Yao Zhang, Wei zhang, Yao Lu, Xiuli Li, Tao Mei

Taking scene text detection as the application, where no suitable ensemble learning strategy exists, PEL can significantly improve the performance, compared to either individual state-of-the-art models, or the fusion of multiple models by non-maximum suppression.

Classification Ensemble Learning +5

Semi-Supervised Brain Lesion Segmentation with an Adapted Mean Teacher Model

1 code implementation4 Mar 2019 Wenhui Cui, Yanlin Liu, Yuxing Li, Menghao Guo, Yiming Li, Xiuli Li, Tianle Wang, Xiangzhu Zeng, Chuyang Ye

Since unannotated data is generally abundant, it is desirable to use unannotated data to improve the segmentation performance for CNNs when limited annotated data is available.

Image Classification Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation +2

MMFNet: A Multi-modality MRI Fusion Network for Segmentation of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

no code implementations25 Dec 2018 Huai Chen, Yuxiao Qi, Yong Yin, Tengxiang Li, Xiaoqing Liu, Xiuli Li, Guanzhong Gong, Lisheng Wang

Therefore, a multi-modality MRI fusion network (MMFNet) based on three modalities of MRI (T1, T2 and contrast-enhanced T1) is proposed to complete accurate segmentation of NPC.

Decoder Segmentation

Integrating Feature and Image Pyramid: A Lung Nodule Detector Learned in Curriculum Fashion

no code implementations21 Jul 2018 Benyuan Sun, Zhen Zhou, Fandong Zhang, Xiuli Li, Yizhou Wang

Meanwhile, our sampling strategy halves the training time of the proposal network on LUNA16.

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