Search Results for author: Xiyang Hu

Found 12 papers, 10 papers with code

ADGym: Design Choices for Deep Anomaly Detection

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Minqi Jiang, Chaochuan Hou, Ao Zheng, Songqiao Han, Hailiang Huang, Qingsong Wen, Xiyang Hu, Yue Zhao

Deep learning (DL) techniques have recently found success in anomaly detection (AD) across various fields such as finance, medical services, and cloud computing.

Anomaly Detection Cloud Computing

Inclusive FinTech Lending via Contrastive Learning and Domain Adaptation

no code implementations10 May 2023 Xiyang Hu, Yan Huang, Beibei Li, Tian Lu

We use contrastive learning to train our feature extractor on unapproved (unlabeled) loan applications and use domain adaptation to generalize the performance of our label predictor.

Contrastive Learning Decision Making +1

Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection: A Survey

2 code implementations9 Feb 2023 Minqi Jiang, Chaochuan Hou, Ao Zheng, Xiyang Hu, Songqiao Han, Hailiang Huang, Xiangnan He, Philip S. Yu, Yue Zhao

Anomaly detection (AD) is a crucial task in machine learning with various applications, such as detecting emerging diseases, identifying financial frauds, and detecting fake news.

Supervised Anomaly Detection Time Series +2

BOND: Benchmarking Unsupervised Outlier Node Detection on Static Attributed Graphs

2 code implementations21 Jun 2022 Kay Liu, Yingtong Dou, Yue Zhao, Xueying Ding, Xiyang Hu, Ruitong Zhang, Kaize Ding, Canyu Chen, Hao Peng, Kai Shu, Lichao Sun, Jundong Li, George H. Chen, Zhihao Jia, Philip S. Yu

To bridge this gap, we present--to the best of our knowledge--the first comprehensive benchmark for unsupervised outlier node detection on static attributed graphs called BOND, with the following highlights.

Anomaly Detection Benchmarking +2

ADBench: Anomaly Detection Benchmark

4 code implementations19 Jun 2022 Songqiao Han, Xiyang Hu, Hailiang Huang, Mingqi Jiang, Yue Zhao

Given a long list of anomaly detection algorithms developed in the last few decades, how do they perform with regard to (i) varying levels of supervision, (ii) different types of anomalies, and (iii) noisy and corrupted data?

Anomaly Detection Outlier Detection

Uncovering the Source of Machine Bias

no code implementations9 Jan 2022 Xiyang Hu, Yan Huang, Beibei Li, Tian Lu

We find two types of biases in gender, preference-based bias and belief-based bias, are present in human evaluators' decisions.


ECOD: Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions

2 code implementations2 Jan 2022 Zheng Li, Yue Zhao, Xiyang Hu, Nicola Botta, Cezar Ionescu, George H. Chen

To address these issues, we present a simple yet effective algorithm called ECOD (Empirical-Cumulative-distribution-based Outlier Detection), which is inspired by the fact that outliers are often the "rare events" that appear in the tails of a distribution.

Anomaly Detection Outlier Detection

COPOD: Copula-Based Outlier Detection

3 code implementations20 Sep 2020 Zheng Li, Yue Zhao, Nicola Botta, Cezar Ionescu, Xiyang Hu

In this work, we make three key contributions, 1) propose a novel, parameter-free outlier detection algorithm with both great performance and interpretability, 2) perform extensive experiments on 30 benchmark datasets to show that COPOD outperforms in most cases and is also one of the fastest algorithms, and 3) release an easy-to-use Python implementation for reproducibility.

Outlier Detection

SUOD: Accelerating Large-Scale Unsupervised Heterogeneous Outlier Detection

1 code implementation11 Mar 2020 Yue Zhao, Xiyang Hu, Cheng Cheng, Cong Wang, Changlin Wan, Wen Wang, Jianing Yang, Haoping Bai, Zheng Li, Cao Xiao, Yunlong Wang, Zhi Qiao, Jimeng Sun, Leman Akoglu

Outlier detection (OD) is a key machine learning (ML) task for identifying abnormal objects from general samples with numerous high-stake applications including fraud detection and intrusion detection.

Dimensionality Reduction Fraud Detection +2

Optimal Sparse Decision Trees

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Xiyang Hu, Cynthia Rudin, Margo Seltzer

Decision tree algorithms have been among the most popular algorithms for interpretable (transparent) machine learning since the early 1980's.

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