Search Results for author: Xuan Ding

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

An Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Investigation Path Planning

1 code implementation20 Oct 2023 Qian Huang, Weiwen Qian, Chang Li, Xuan Ding

Our objective is to minimize costs, and to achieve this, we propose a chaotic artificial fish swarm algorithm based on multiple population differential evolution (DE-CAFSA).

Decision Making Traveling Salesman Problem

Automated Detecting and Placing Road Objects from Street-level Images

no code implementations29 Aug 2019 Chaoquan Zhang, Hongchao Fan, Wanzhi Li, Bo Mao, Xuan Ding

Navigation services utilized by autonomous vehicles or ordinary users require the availability of detailed information about road-related objects and their geolocations, especially at road intersections.

Autonomous Vehicles

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