Search Results for author: Xuan Zhou

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Feature Aggregation Network for Building Extraction from High-resolution Remote Sensing Images

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Xuan Zhou, Xuefeng Wei

In this work, we propose the Feature Aggregation Network (FANet), concentrating on extracting both global and local features, thereby enabling the refined extraction of landmark buildings from high-resolution satellite remote sensing imagery.

FLDNet: A Foreground-Aware Network for Polyp Segmentation Leveraging Long-Distance Dependencies

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Xuefeng Wei, Xuan Zhou

On the high-level features, the local context module obtains the local characteristics related to the polyps by constructing different local context information.


Multi-Grained Knowledge Distillation for Named Entity Recognition

no code implementations NAACL 2021 Xuan Zhou, Xiao Zhang, Chenyang Tao, Junya Chen, Bing Xu, Wei Wang, Jing Xiao

To maximally assimilate knowledge into the student model, we propose a multi-grained distillation scheme, which integrates cross entropy involved in conditional random field (CRF) and fuzzy learning. To validate the effectiveness of our proposal, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation on five NER benchmarks, reporting cross-the-board performance gains relative to competing prior-arts.

Knowledge Distillation named-entity-recognition +2

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