Search Results for author: Xuanliang Deng

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Real-Time Systems Optimization with Black-box Constraints and Hybrid Variables

no code implementations21 Jan 2024 Sen Wang, Dong Li, Shao-Yu Huang, Xuanliang Deng, Ashrarul H. Sifat, Changhee Jung, Ryan Williams, Haibo Zeng

When optimizing real-time systems, designers often face a challenging problem where the schedulability constraints are non-convex, non-continuous, or lack an analytical form to understand their properties.

A General and Scalable Method for Optimizing Real-Time Systems

no code implementations6 Jan 2024 Sen Wang, Dong Li, Shao-Yu Huang, Xuanliang Deng, Ashrarul H. Sifat, Changhee Jung, Ryan Williams, Haibo Zeng

In real-time systems optimization, designers often face a challenging problem posed by the non-convex and non-continuous schedulability conditions, which may even lack an analytical form to understand their properties.

Optimizing Logical Execution Time Model for Both Determinism and Low Latency

no code implementations30 Oct 2023 Sen Wang, Dong Li, Ashrarul H. Sifat, Shao-Yu Huang, Xuanliang Deng, Changhee Jung, Ryan Williams, Haibo Zeng

Therefore, fLET has the potential to significantly improve the end-to-end timing performance while keeping the benefits of deterministic behavior on timing and dataflow.

Robot Calligraphy using Pseudospectral Optimal Control in Conjunction with a Simulated Brush Model

no code implementations18 Nov 2019 Sen Wang, Jiaqi Chen, Xuanliang Deng, Seth Hutchinson, Frank Dellaert

Chinese calligraphy is a unique form of art that has great artistic value but is difficult to master.


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