Search Results for author: Xuanyu Chen

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

FedMAE: Federated Self-Supervised Learning with One-Block Masked Auto-Encoder

no code implementations20 Mar 2023 Nan Yang, Xuanyu Chen, Charles Z. Liu, Dong Yuan, Wei Bao, Lizhen Cui

Latest federated learning (FL) methods started to focus on how to use unlabeled data in clients for training due to users' privacy concerns, high labeling costs, or lack of expertise.

Federated Learning Image Reconstruction +1

Deep Learning Methods for Small Molecule Drug Discovery: A Survey

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Wenhao Hu, Yingying Liu, Xuanyu Chen, Wenhao Chai, Hangyue Chen, Hongwei Wang, Gaoang Wang

With the development of computer-assisted techniques, research communities including biochemistry and deep learning have been devoted into the drug discovery field for over a decade.

Deep Learning Drug Discovery +3

Deep Learning for Stock Selection Based on High Frequency Price-Volume Data

no code implementations6 Nov 2019 Junming Yang, Yaoqi Li, Xuanyu Chen, Jiahang Cao, Kangkang Jiang

Training a practical and effective model for stock selection has been a greatly concerned problem in the field of artificial intelligence.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

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