Search Results for author: Xue Xia

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Deep Cross-species Feature Learning for Animal Face Recognition via Residual Interspecies Equivariant Network

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Xiao Shi, Chenxue Yang, Xue Xia, Xiujuan Chai

We present an animal facial feature fusion module to treat the features of the lower half face as additional information, which improves the proposed RiseNet performance.

Face Alignment Face Recognition

Lesion-aware network for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis

1 code implementation14 Aug 2024 Xue Xia, Kun Zhan, Yuming Fang, Wenhui Jiang, Fei Shen

To this end, we propose a CNN-based DR diagnosis network with attention mechanism involved, termed lesion-aware network, to better capture lesion information from imbalanced data.

Lesion Segmentation

TransAct: Transformer-based Realtime User Action Model for Recommendation at Pinterest

2 code implementations31 May 2023 Xue Xia, Pong Eksombatchai, Nikil Pancha, Dhruvil Deven Badani, Po-Wei Wang, Neng Gu, Saurabh Vishwas Joshi, Nazanin Farahpour, Zhiyuan Zhang, Andrew Zhai

This paper (1) presents Pinterest's ranking architecture for Homefeed, our personalized recommendation product and the largest engagement surface; (2) proposes TransAct, a sequential model that extracts users' short-term preferences from their realtime activities; (3) describes our hybrid approach to ranking, which combines end-to-end sequential modeling via TransAct with batch-generated user embeddings.

Sequential Recommendation

Deep Smoke Segmentation

no code implementations4 Sep 2018 Feiniu Yuan, Lin Zhang, Xue Xia, Boyang Wan, Qinghua Huang, Xuelong. Li

According to results of our deep segmentation method, we can easily and accurately perform smoke detection from videos.

Decoder Segmentation +1

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