no code implementations • 8 Aug 2024 • Andrew Seohwan Yu, Mohsen Hariri, Xuecen Zhang, Mingrui Yang, Vipin Chaudhary, Xiaojuan Li
Intelligent medical image segmentation methods are rapidly evolving and being increasingly applied, yet they face the challenge of domain transfer, where algorithm performance degrades due to different data distributions between source and target domains.
1 code implementation • 11 Oct 2023 • Caleb Tung, Nicholas Eliopoulos, Purvish Jajal, Gowri Ramshankar, Chen-Yun Yang, Nicholas Synovic, Xuecen Zhang, Vipin Chaudhary, George K. Thiruvathukal, Yung-Hsiang Lu
Computer vision often uses highly accurate Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), but these deep learning models are associated with ever-increasing energy and computation requirements.