Search Results for author: Xuefeng Xiao

Found 35 papers, 17 papers with code

Data-Centric and Heterogeneity-Adaptive Sequence Parallelism for Efficient LLM Training

no code implementations2 Dec 2024 Yujie Wang, Shiju Wang, Shenhan Zhu, Fangcheng Fu, Xinyi Liu, Xuefeng Xiao, Huixia Li, Jiashi Li, Faming Wu, Bin Cui

Furthermore, we implement our method in a high-performance system that supports adaptive parallelization in distributed LLM training.

Hyper-SD: Trajectory Segmented Consistency Model for Efficient Image Synthesis

no code implementations21 Apr 2024 Yuxi Ren, Xin Xia, Yanzuo Lu, Jiacheng Zhang, Jie Wu, Pan Xie, Xing Wang, Xuefeng Xiao

Current distillation techniques often dichotomize into two distinct aspects: i) ODE Trajectory Preservation; and ii) ODE Trajectory Reformulation.

Image Generation

ControlNet++: Improving Conditional Controls with Efficient Consistency Feedback

1 code implementation11 Apr 2024 Ming Li, Taojiannan Yang, Huafeng Kuang, Jie Wu, Zhaoning Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Chen Chen

Specifically, for an input conditional control, we use a pre-trained discriminative reward model to extract the corresponding condition of the generated images, and then optimize the consistency loss between the input conditional control and extracted condition.


UniFL: Improve Latent Diffusion Model via Unified Feedback Learning

no code implementations8 Apr 2024 Jiacheng Zhang, Jie Wu, Yuxi Ren, Xin Xia, Huafeng Kuang, Pan Xie, Jiashi Li, Xuefeng Xiao, Weilin Huang, Shilei Wen, Lean Fu, Guanbin Li

Latent diffusion models (LDM) have revolutionized text-to-image generation, leading to the proliferation of various advanced models and diverse downstream applications.

Text-to-Image Generation

ByteEdit: Boost, Comply and Accelerate Generative Image Editing

no code implementations7 Apr 2024 Yuxi Ren, Jie Wu, Yanzuo Lu, Huafeng Kuang, Xin Xia, Xionghui Wang, Qianqian Wang, Yixing Zhu, Pan Xie, Shiyin Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Yitong Wang, Min Zheng, Lean Fu

Recent advancements in diffusion-based generative image editing have sparked a profound revolution, reshaping the landscape of image outpainting and inpainting tasks.

Image Outpainting

AffineQuant: Affine Transformation Quantization for Large Language Models

1 code implementation19 Mar 2024 Yuexiao Ma, Huixia Li, Xiawu Zheng, Feng Ling, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Shilei Wen, Fei Chao, Rongrong Ji

Among these techniques, Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) has emerged as a subject of considerable interest due to its noteworthy compression efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the context of training.


VmambaIR: Visual State Space Model for Image Restoration

1 code implementation18 Mar 2024 Yuan Shi, Bin Xia, Xiaoyu Jin, Xing Wang, Tianyu Zhao, Xin Xia, Xuefeng Xiao, Wenming Yang

To address these challenges, we propose VmambaIR, which introduces State Space Models (SSMs) with linear complexity into comprehensive image restoration tasks.

Denoising Image Restoration +3

ResAdapter: Domain Consistent Resolution Adapter for Diffusion Models

1 code implementation4 Mar 2024 Jiaxiang Cheng, Pan Xie, Xin Xia, Jiashi Li, Jie Wu, Yuxi Ren, Huixia Li, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Lean Fu

Especially, after learning a deep understanding of pure resolution priors, ResAdapter trained on the general dataset, generates resolution-free images with personalized diffusion models while preserving their original style domain.

Image Generation

DiffusionGPT: LLM-Driven Text-to-Image Generation System

no code implementations18 Jan 2024 Jie Qin, Jie Wu, Weifeng Chen, Yuxi Ren, Huixia Li, Hefeng Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Shilei Wen

Diffusion models have opened up new avenues for the field of image generation, resulting in the proliferation of high-quality models shared on open-source platforms.

Model Selection Text-to-Image Generation

AutoDiffusion: Training-Free Optimization of Time Steps and Architectures for Automated Diffusion Model Acceleration

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Lijiang Li, Huixia Li, Xiawu Zheng, Jie Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan, Fei Chao, Rongrong Ji

Therefore, we propose to search the optimal time steps sequence and compressed model architecture in a unified framework to achieve effective image generation for diffusion models without any further training.

Image Generation single-image-generation

DLIP: Distilling Language-Image Pre-training

no code implementations24 Aug 2023 Huafeng Kuang, Jie Wu, Xiawu Zheng, Ming Li, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Rongrong Ji

Furthermore, DLIP succeeds in retaining more than 95% of the performance with 22. 4% parameters and 24. 8% FLOPs compared to the teacher model and accelerates inference speed by 2. 7x.

Image Captioning Image-text Retrieval +5

AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Detection

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Ming Li, Jie Wu, Xionghui Wang, Chen Chen, Jie Qin, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan

To this end, we propose AlignDet, a unified pre-training framework that can be adapted to various existing detectors to alleviate the discrepancies.

object-detection Object Detection

FreeSeg: Unified, Universal and Open-Vocabulary Image Segmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Jie Qin, Jie Wu, Pengxiang Yan, Ming Li, Ren Yuxi, Xuefeng Xiao, Yitong Wang, Rui Wang, Shilei Wen, Xin Pan, Xingang Wang

Recently, open-vocabulary learning has emerged to accomplish segmentation for arbitrary categories of text-based descriptions, which popularizes the segmentation system to more general-purpose application scenarios.

Image Segmentation Instance Segmentation +3

Multi-Objective Evolutionary for Object Detection Mobile Architectures Search

no code implementations5 Nov 2022 Haichao Zhang, Jiashi Li, Xin Xia, Kuangrong Hao, Xuefeng Xiao

Our improved backbone network can reduce the computational effort while improving the accuracy of the object detection network.

Image Classification Neural Architecture Search +3

Multi-Granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation22 Aug 2022 Jie Qin, Jie Wu, Ming Li, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Xingang Wang

Consequently, we offer the first attempt to provide lightweight SSSS models via a novel multi-granularity distillation (MGD) scheme, where multi-granularity is captured from three aspects: i) complementary teacher structure; ii) labeled-unlabeled data cooperative distillation; iii) hierarchical and multi-levels loss setting.

Knowledge Distillation Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Next-ViT: Next Generation Vision Transformer for Efficient Deployment in Realistic Industrial Scenarios

4 code implementations12 Jul 2022 Jiashi Li, Xin Xia, Wei Li, Huixia Li, Xing Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Xin Pan

Then, Next Hybrid Strategy (NHS) is designed to stack NCB and NTB in an efficient hybrid paradigm, which boosts performance in various downstream tasks.

Image Classification

Parallel Pre-trained Transformers (PPT) for Synthetic Data-based Instance Segmentation

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Ming Li, Jie Wu, Jinhang Cai, Jie Qin, Yuxi Ren, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Rui Wang, Xin Pan

Recently, Synthetic data-based Instance Segmentation has become an exceedingly favorable optimization paradigm since it leverages simulation rendering and physics to generate high-quality image-annotation pairs.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +1

MoCoViT: Mobile Convolutional Vision Transformer

1 code implementation25 May 2022 Hailong Ma, Xin Xia, Xing Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Jiashi Li, Min Zheng

Recently, Transformer networks have achieved impressive results on a variety of vision tasks.

object-detection Object Detection

TRT-ViT: TensorRT-oriented Vision Transformer

no code implementations19 May 2022 Xin Xia, Jiashi Li, Jie Wu, Xing Wang, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Rui Wang

We revisit the existing excellent Transformers from the perspective of practical application.

Image Classification object-detection +2

ScalableViT: Rethinking the Context-oriented Generalization of Vision Transformer

2 code implementations21 Mar 2022 Rui Yang, Hailong Ma, Jie Wu, Yansong Tang, Xuefeng Xiao, Min Zheng, Xiu Li

The vanilla self-attention mechanism inherently relies on pre-defined and steadfast computational dimensions.

Activation Modulation and Recalibration Scheme for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

1 code implementation16 Dec 2021 Jie Qin, Jie Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Lujun Li, Xingang Wang

Extensive experiments show that AMR establishes a new state-of-the-art performance on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset, surpassing not only current methods trained with the image-level of supervision but also some methods relying on stronger supervision, such as saliency label.

Feature Importance Scene Understanding +3

Revisiting Discriminator in GAN Compression: A Generator-discriminator Cooperative Compression Scheme

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Shaojie Li, Jie Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Fei Chao, Xudong Mao, Rongrong Ji

In this work, we revisit the role of discriminator in GAN compression and design a novel generator-discriminator cooperative compression scheme for GAN compression, termed GCC.

Online Multi-Granularity Distillation for GAN Compression

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Yuxi Ren, Jie Wu, Xuefeng Xiao, Jianchao Yang

It reveals that OMGD provides a feasible solution for the deployment of real-time image translation on resource-constrained devices.


Progressive Automatic Design of Search Space for One-Shot Neural Architecture Search

no code implementations15 May 2020 Xin Xia, Xuefeng Xiao, Xing Wang, Min Zheng

In this way, PAD-NAS can automatically design the operations for each layer and achieve a trade-off between search space quality and model diversity.

Diversity Efficient Neural Network +1

An Empirical Study of Propagation-based Methods for Video Object Segmentation

no code implementations30 Jul 2019 Hengkai Guo, Wenji Wang, Guanjun Guo, Huaxia Li, Jiachen Liu, Qian He, Xuefeng Xiao

While propagation-based approaches have achieved state-of-the-art performance for video object segmentation, the literature lacks a fair comparison of different methods using the same settings.

Object Semantic Segmentation +2

Design of a Very Compact CNN Classifier for Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using DropWeight and Global Pooling

no code implementations15 May 2017 Xuefeng Xiao, Yafeng Yang, Tasweer Ahmad, Lianwen Jin, Tianhai Chang

Currently, owing to the ubiquity of mobile devices, online handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR) has become one of the suitable choice for feeding input to cell phones and tablet devices.

Building Fast and Compact Convolutional Neural Networks for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

no code implementations26 Feb 2017 Xuefeng Xiao, Lianwen Jin, Yafeng Yang, Weixin Yang, Jun Sun, Tianhai Chang

We design a nine-layer CNN for HCCR consisting of 3, 755 classes, and devise an algorithm that can reduce the networks computational cost by nine times and compress the network to 1/18 of the original size of the baseline model, with only a 0. 21% drop in accuracy.

Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

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