Search Results for author: Xuejing Yuan

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

SciSafeEval: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Safety Alignment of Large Language Models in Scientific Tasks

no code implementations2 Oct 2024 TianHao Li, Jingyu Lu, Chuangxin Chu, Tianyu Zeng, Yujia Zheng, Mei Li, Haotian Huang, Bin Wu, Zuoxian Liu, Kai Ma, Xuejing Yuan, Xingkai Wang, Keyan Ding, Huajun Chen, Qiang Zhang

To address these limitations, we introduce SciSafeEval, a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the safety alignment of LLMs across a range of scientific tasks.

Safety Alignment

Enhancing Privacy Preservation in Federated Learning via Learning Rate Perturbation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Guangnian Wan, Haitao Du, Xuejing Yuan, Jun Yang, Meiling Chen, Jie Xu

Previous attacks assume the adversary can infer the local learning rate of each client, while we observe that: (1) using the uniformly distributed random local learning rates does not incur much accuracy loss of the global model, and (2) personalizing local learning rates can mitigate the drift issue which is caused by non-IID (identically and independently distributed) data.

Federated Learning

SoK: A Modularized Approach to Study the Security of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems

1 code implementation19 Mar 2021 Yuxuan Chen, Jiangshan Zhang, Xuejing Yuan, Shengzhi Zhang, Kai Chen, XiaoFeng Wang, Shanqing Guo

In this paper, we present our systematization of knowledge for ASR security and provide a comprehensive taxonomy for existing work based on a modularized workflow.

Adversarial Attack Automatic Speech Recognition +3

CommanderSong: A Systematic Approach for Practical Adversarial Voice Recognition

no code implementations24 Jan 2018 Xuejing Yuan, Yuxuan Chen, Yue Zhao, Yunhui Long, Xiaokang Liu, Kai Chen, Shengzhi Zhang, Heqing Huang, Xiao-Feng Wang, Carl A. Gunter

For this purpose, we developed novel techniques that address a key technical challenge: integrating the commands into a song in a way that can be effectively recognized by ASR through the air, in the presence of background noise, while not being detected by a human listener.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +1

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