Search Results for author: Xueqin Wang

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

Minimax and Communication-Efficient Distributed Best Subset Selection with Oracle Property

no code implementations30 Aug 2024 Jingguo Lan, Hongmei Lin, Xueqin Wang

A refined estimation within the active set follows, ensuring sparse estimates and matching the minimax $\ell_2$ error bound.

Sparsity-Constraint Optimization via Splicing Iteration

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Zezhi Wang, Jin Zhu, Junxian Zhu, Borui Tang, Hongmei Lin, Xueqin Wang

The numerical results on these specific tasks reveal that SCOPE perfectly identifies the true support set with a 10--1000 speedup over the standard exact solver, confirming SCOPE's algorithmic and theoretical merits.

skscope: Fast Sparsity-Constrained Optimization in Python

1 code implementation27 Mar 2024 Zezhi Wang, Jin Zhu, Peng Chen, Huiyang Peng, Xiaoke Zhang, Anran Wang, Junxian Zhu, Xueqin Wang

Applying iterative solvers on sparsity-constrained optimization (SCO) requires tedious mathematical deduction and careful programming/debugging that hinders these solvers' broad impact.

A Consistent and Scalable Algorithm for Best Subset Selection in Single Index Models

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Borui Tang, Jin Zhu, Junxian Zhu, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang

SIMs provide an interpretable and flexible modeling framework for high-dimensional data, while best subset selection aims to find a sparse model from a large set of predictors.

Model Selection regression

Interpreting and predicting the economy flows: A time-varying parameter global vector autoregressive integrated the machine learning model

no code implementations31 Jul 2022 Yukang Jiang, Xueqin Wang, Zhixi Xiong, Haisheng Yang, Ting Tian

The paper proposes a time-varying parameter global vector autoregressive (TVP-GVAR) framework for predicting and analysing developed region economic variables.

Model Selection

The impact of spatio-temporal travel distance on epidemics using an interpretable attention-based sequence-to-sequence model

no code implementations26 May 2022 Yukang Jiang, Ting Tian, Huajun Xie, Hailiang Guo, Xueqin Wang

We unveil the geographical variations in the influence of population movement at different travel distances on the dynamics of epidemic spread.

A Splicing Approach to Best Subset of Groups Selection

1 code implementation23 Apr 2021 Yanhang Zhang, Junxian Zhu, Jin Zhu, Xueqin Wang

Best subset of groups selection (BSGS) is the process of selecting a small part of non-overlapping groups to achieve the best interpretability on the response variable.

Variable Selection

Computational analysis of pathological image enables interpretable prediction for microsatellite instability

no code implementations7 Oct 2020 Jin Zhu, Wangwei Wu, Yuting Zhang, Shiyun Lin, Yukang Jiang, Ruixian Liu, Xueqin Wang

Microsatellite instability (MSI) is associated with several tumor types and its status has become increasingly vital in guiding patient treatment decisions.

Feature Importance whole slide images

Ball: An R package for detecting distribution difference and association in metric spaces

1 code implementation9 Nov 2018 Jin Zhu, Wenliang Pan, Wei Zheng, Xueqin Wang

The rapid development of modern technology facilitates the appearance of numerous unprecedented complex data which do not satisfy the axioms of Euclidean geometry, while most of the statistical hypothesis tests are available in Euclidean or Hilbert spaces.


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