Search Results for author: Xueyuan Lin

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

FLEX: Feature-Logic Embedding Framework for CompleX Knowledge Graph Reasoning

1 code implementation23 May 2022 Xueyuan Lin, Haihong E, Gengxian Zhou, Tianyi Hu, Li Ningyuan, Mingzhi Sun, Haoran Luo

To address these challenges, we instead propose a novel KGR framework named Feature-Logic Embedding framework, FLEX, which is the first KGR framework that can not only TRULY handle all FOL operations including conjunction, disjunction, negation and so on, but also support various feature spaces.

Logical Reasoning Negation

EchoEA: Echo Information between Entities and Relations for Entity Alignment

1 code implementation7 Jul 2021 Xueyuan Lin, Haihong E, wenyu song, Haoran Luo

Furthermore, we propose attribute-combined bi-directional global-filtered strategy (ABGS) to improve bootstrapping, reduce false samples and generate high-quality training data.

Attribute Entity Alignment +3

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