Search Results for author: Xuming Zhang

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

CoMiX: Cross-Modal Fusion with Deformable Convolutions for HSI-X Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations13 Nov 2024 Xuming Zhang, Xingfa Gu, Qingjiu Tian, Lorenzo Bruzzone

Outputs from CMFeX are fed into the FFM for fusion and passed to the next stage for further information learning.

Decoder Semantic Segmentation

Local-to-Global Cross-Modal Attention-Aware Fusion for HSI-X Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Xuming Zhang, Naoto Yokoya, Xingfa Gu, Qingjiu Tian, Lorenzo Bruzzone

The FEM is used to enhance complementary information by combining the feature from the other modality across direction-aware, position-sensitive, and channel-wise dimensions.

Decoder Semantic Segmentation

Short-term and long-term memory self-attention network for segmentation of tumours in 3D medical images

no code implementations CAAI 2023 Mingwei Wen, Quan Zhou, Bo Tao, Pavel Shcherbakov, Yang Xu, Xuming Zhang

Tumour segmentation in medical images (especially 3D tumour segmentation) is highly challenging due to the possible similarity between tumours and adjacent tissues, occurrence of multiple tumours and variable tumour shapes and sizes.

Inductive Bias Segmentation

Objective Evaluation-based High-efficiency Learning Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code implementations10 Jan 2023 Xuming Zhang, Jian Yan, Jia Tian, Wei Li, Xingfa Gu, Qingjiu Tian

This framework comprises two main parts: (i) a leakage-free balanced sampling strategy, and (ii) a modified end-to-end fully convolutional network (FCN) architecture that optimizes the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.

Hyperspectral Image Classification Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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