Search Results for author: Xun Li

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

A Histogram Thresholding Improvement to Mask R-CNN for Scalable Segmentation of New and Old Rural Buildings

no code implementations8 Feb 2021 Ying Li, Weipan Xu, Haohui Chen, Junhao Jiang, Xun Li

This study proposes a novel framework based on Mask R-CNN, named HTMask R-CNN, to extract new and old rural buildings even when the label is scarce.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +1

Deep-Learning-Enabled Inverse Engineering of Multi-Wavelength Invisibility-to-Superscattering Switching with Phase-Change Materials

no code implementations25 Dec 2020 Jie Luo, Xun Li, Xinyuan Zhang, Jiajie Guo, Wei Liu, Yun Lai, Yaohui Zhan, Min Huang

Inverse design of nanoparticles for desired scattering spectra and dynamic switching between the two opposite scattering anomalies, i. e. superscattering and invisibility, is important in realizing cloaking, sensing and functional devices.


Optimal Consumption with Reference to Past Spending Maximum

no code implementations12 Jun 2020 Shuoqing Deng, Xun Li, Huyen Pham, Xiang Yu

This paper studies the infinite-horizon optimal consumption with a path-dependent reference under exponential utility.

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