Search Results for author: Xun Yi

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Machine Unlearning with Minimal Gradient Dependence for High Unlearning Ratios

no code implementations24 Jun 2024 Tao Huang, Ziyang Chen, Jiayang Meng, Qingyu Huang, Xu Yang, Xun Yi, Ibrahim Khalil

This lightweight, scalable method significantly enhances model accuracy and strengthens resistance to membership inference attacks.

Machine Unlearning

Online Anomaly Detection over Live Social Video Streaming

no code implementations1 Dec 2023 Chengkun He, Xiangmin Zhou, Chen Wang, Iqbal Gondal, Jie Shao, Xun Yi

After that, we propose a novel model update scheme that incrementally maintains CLSTM and decoder.

Anomaly Detection Decoder +1

Committed Private Information Retrieval

1 code implementation3 Feb 2023 Quang Cao, Hong Yen Tran, Son Hoang Dau, Xun Yi, Emanuele Viterbo, Chen Feng, Yu-Chih Huang, Jingge Zhu, Stanislav Kruglik, Han Mao Kiah

A PIR scheme is $v$-verifiable if the client can verify the correctness of the retrieved $x_i$ even when $v \leq k$ servers collude and try to fool the client by sending manipulated data.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Aggregation Service for Federated Learning: An Efficient, Secure, and More Resilient Realization

no code implementations4 Feb 2022 Yifeng Zheng, Shangqi Lai, Yi Liu, Xingliang Yuan, Xun Yi, Cong Wang

In this paper, we present a system design which offers efficient protection of individual model updates throughout the learning procedure, allowing clients to only provide obscured model updates while a cloud server can still perform the aggregation.

Federated Learning

Privacy-Aware Identity Cloning Detection based on Deep Forest

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Ahmed Alharbi, Hai Dong, Xun Yi, Prabath Abeysekara

We propose a novel method to detect identity cloning of social-sensor cloud service providers to prevent the detrimental outcomes caused by identity deception.

Deception Detection

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