Search Results for author: Ya Wang

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

Polynomial Composition Activations: Unleashing the Dynamics of Large Language Models

1 code implementation6 Nov 2024 Zhijian Zhuo, Ya Wang, Yutao Zeng, XiaoQing Li, Xun Zhou, Jinwen Ma

Transformers have found extensive applications across various domains due to the powerful fitting capabilities.

Breathing cluster in complex neuron-astrocyte networks

no code implementations26 Jan 2023 Ya Wang, Liang Wang, Huawei Fan, Jun Ma, Hui Cao, Xingang Wang

It is revealed that the contents of the cluster are determined by the network symmetry and the breathing activities are due to the interplay between the neural network and the astrocyte.

Reconstruct from BEV: A 3D Lane Detection Approach based on Geometry Structure Prior

no code implementations21 Jun 2022 Chenguang Li, Jia Shi, Ya Wang, Guangliang Cheng

Inspired by previous methods, we first analyze the geometry heuristic between the 3D lane and its 2D representation on the ground and propose to impose explicit supervision based on the structure prior, which makes it achievable to build inter-lane and intra-lane relationships to facilitate the reconstruction of 3D lanes from local to global.

3D Lane Detection Data Augmentation

Reconstruct from Top View: A 3D Lane Detection Approach based on Geometry Structure Prior

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Chenguang Li, Jia Shi, Ya Wang, Guangliang Cheng

Inspired by previous methods, we first analyze the geometry heuristic between the 3D lane and its 2D representation on the ground and propose to impose explicit supervision based on the structure prior, which makes it achievable to build inter-lane and intra-lane relationships to facilitate the reconstruction of 3D lanes from local to global.

3D Lane Detection Data Augmentation

Fine-Grained AutoAugmentation for Multi-Label Classification

no code implementations12 Jul 2021 Ya Wang, Hesen Chen, Fangyi Zhang, Yaohua Wang, Xiuyu Sun, Ming Lin, Hao Li

Data augmentation is a commonly used approach to improving the generalization of deep learning models.

Classification Data Augmentation +4

Beating the Standard Quantum Limit under Ambient Conditions with Solid-State Spins

no code implementations28 Jan 2021 Tianyu Xie, Zhiyuan Zhao, Xi Kong, Wenchao Ma, Mengqi Wang, Xiangyu Ye, Pei Yu, Zhiping Yang, Shaoyi Xu, Pengfei Wang, Ya Wang, Fazhan Shi, Jiangfeng Du

However, it has not been realized in solid-state spin systems at ambient conditions, owing to its intrinsic complexity for the preparation and survival of pure and entangled quantum states.

Quantum Physics

A Logical Model for Supporting Social Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition

no code implementations25 Dec 2019 Zhenzhen Gu, Cungen Cao, Ya Wang, Yuefei Sui

To make machine exhibit human-like abilities in the domains like robotics and conversation, social commonsense knowledge (SCK), i. e., common sense about social contexts and social roles, is absolutely necessarily.

Common Sense Reasoning

Multi-Label Classification with Label Graph Superimposing

2 code implementations21 Nov 2019 Ya Wang, Dongliang He, Fu Li, Xiang Long, Zhichao Zhou, Jinwen Ma, Shilei Wen

In this paper, we propose a label graph superimposing framework to improve the conventional GCN+CNN framework developed for multi-label recognition in the following two aspects.

Attribute Classification +4

Room-temperature implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with a single electronic spin in diamond

no code implementations12 Feb 2010 Fazhan Shi, Xing Rong, Nanyang Xu, Ya Wang, Jie Wu, Bo Chong, Xinhua Peng, Juliane Kniepert, Rolf-Simon Schoenfeld, Wolfgang Harneit, Mang Feng, Jiangfeng Du

The nitrogen-vacancy defect center (NV center) is a promising candidate for quantum information processing due to the possibility of coherent manipulation of individual spins in the absence of the cryogenic requirement.

Quantum Physics

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