Search Results for author: Yabin Wang

Found 12 papers, 8 papers with code

A Benchmark for Incremental Micro-expression Recognition

no code implementations31 Jan 2025 Zhengqin Lai, Xiaopeng Hong, Yabin Wang, Xiaobai Li

To respond to the requirement of adapting to new data while retaining previously learned knowledge, we introduce the first benchmark specifically designed for incremental micro-expression recognition.

Incremental Learning Micro Expression Recognition +1

Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish in Deepfake Detection

1 code implementation15 Aug 2024 Yabin Wang, Zhiwu Huang, Su Zhou, Adam Prugel-Bennett, Xiaopeng Hong

This paper critiques the overly specialized approach of fine-tuning pre-trained models solely with a penny-wise objective on a single deepfake dataset, while disregarding the pound-wise balance for generalization and knowledge retention.

DeepFake Detection Face Swapping +1

Multi-modal Crowd Counting via Modal Emulation

no code implementations28 Jul 2024 Chenhao Wang, Xiaopeng Hong, Zhiheng Ma, Yupeng Wei, Yabin Wang, Xiaopeng Fan

To overcome the gap between different modalities, we propose a modal emulation-based two-pass multi-modal crowd-counting framework that enables efficient modal emulation, alignment, and fusion.

Crowd Counting

Prompt Customization for Continual Learning

1 code implementation28 Apr 2024 Yong Dai, Xiaopeng Hong, Yabin Wang, Zhiheng Ma, Dongmei Jiang, YaoWei Wang

In contrast to conventional methods that employ hard prompt selection, PGM assigns different coefficients to prompts from a fixed-sized pool of prompts and generates tailored prompts.

Continual Learning Incremental Learning

Linguistic Profiling of Deepfakes: An Open Database for Next-Generation Deepfake Detection

1 code implementation4 Jan 2024 Yabin Wang, Zhiwu Huang, Zhiheng Ma, Xiaopeng Hong

The two distinguished features enable DFLIP-3K to develop a benchmark that promotes progress in linguistic profiling of deepfakes, which includes three sub-tasks namely deepfake detection, model identification, and prompt prediction.

DeepFake Detection Face Swapping

Remind of the Past: Incremental Learning with Analogical Prompts

1 code implementation24 Mar 2023 Zhiheng Ma, Xiaopeng Hong, Beinan Liu, Yabin Wang, Pinyue Guo, Huiyun Li

It mimics the feature distribution of the target old class on the old model using only samples of new classes.

Incremental Learning

Towards Practical Multi-Robot Hybrid Tasks Allocation for Autonomous Cleaning

1 code implementation12 Mar 2023 Yabin Wang, Xiaopeng Hong, Zhiheng Ma, Tiedong Ma, Baoxing Qin, Zhou Su

Task allocation plays a vital role in multi-robot autonomous cleaning systems, where multiple robots work together to clean a large area.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Benchmarking Deepart Detection

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Yabin Wang, Zhiwu Huang, Xiaopeng Hong

To address potentially appeared ethics questions, this paper establishes a deepart detection database (DDDB) that consists of a set of high-quality conventional art images (conarts) and five sets of deepart images generated by five state-of-the-art deepfake models.

Benchmarking DeepFake Detection +2

Isolation and Impartial Aggregation: A Paradigm of Incremental Learning without Interference

1 code implementation29 Nov 2022 Yabin Wang, Zhiheng Ma, Zhiwu Huang, YaoWei Wang, Zhou Su, Xiaopeng Hong

To avoid obvious stage learning bottlenecks, we propose a brand-new stage-isolation based incremental learning framework, which leverages a series of stage-isolated classifiers to perform the learning task of each stage without the interference of others.

Continual Learning Incremental Learning

S-Prompts Learning with Pre-trained Transformers: An Occam's Razor for Domain Incremental Learning

2 code implementations26 Jul 2022 Yabin Wang, Zhiwu Huang, Xiaopeng Hong

In this paper, we propose one simple paradigm (named as S-Prompting) and two concrete approaches to highly reduce the forgetting degree in one of the most typical continual learning scenarios, i. e., domain increment learning (DIL).

Continual Learning Incremental Learning

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