Search Results for author: Yacine GACI

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Multi-View Majority Vote Learning Algorithms: Direct Minimization of PAC-Bayesian Bounds

no code implementations9 Nov 2024 Mehdi Hennequin, Abdelkrim Zitouni, Khalid Benabdeslem, Haytham Elghazel, Yacine GACI

The PAC-Bayesian framework has significantly advanced the understanding of statistical learning, particularly for majority voting methods.

Generalization Bounds MULTI-VIEW LEARNING

Debiasing Pretrained Text Encoders by Paying Attention to Paying Attention

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Yacine GACI, Boualem Benatallah, Fabio Casati, Khalid Benabdeslem

Recent studies in fair Representation Learning have observed a strong inclination for natural language processing (NLP) models to exhibit discriminatory stereotypes across gender, religion, race and many such social constructs.

Fairness Representation Learning +2

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