Search Results for author: Yadong Niu

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Beware of Overestimated Decoding Performance Arising from Temporal Autocorrelations in Electroencephalogram Signals

no code implementations27 May 2024 Xiran Xu, Bo wang, Boda Xiao, Yadong Niu, Yiwen Wang, Xihong Wu, Jing Chen

Since these EEG data were usually collected with well-designed paradigms in labs, the reliability and robustness of the corresponding decoding methods were doubted by some researchers, and they argued that such decoding accuracy was overestimated due to the inherent temporal autocorrelation of EEG signals.

Brain Computer Interface EEG +3

A breakthrough in Speech emotion recognition using Deep Retinal Convolution Neural Networks

no code implementations12 Jul 2017 Yafeng Niu, Dongsheng Zou, Yadong Niu, Zhongshi He, Hua Tan

Speech emotion recognition (SER) is to study the formation and change of speaker's emotional state from the speech signal perspective, so as to make the interaction between human and computer more intelligent.

Data Augmentation Speech Emotion Recognition

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