Search Results for author: Yajie Zhao

Found 20 papers, 3 papers with code

Skyeyes: Ground Roaming using Aerial View Images

no code implementations25 Sep 2024 Zhiyuan Gao, Wenbin Teng, Gonglin Chen, Jinsen Wu, Ningli Xu, Rongjun Qin, Andrew Feng, Yajie Zhao

In this paper, we introduce Skyeyes, a novel framework that can generate photorealistic sequences of ground view images using only aerial view inputs, thereby creating a ground roaming experience.

Autonomous Driving Scene Generation

Geometry-aware Feature Matching for Large-Scale Structure from Motion

no code implementations3 Sep 2024 Gonglin Chen, Jinsen Wu, Haiwei Chen, Wenbin Teng, Zhiyuan Gao, Andrew Feng, Rongjun Qin, Yajie Zhao

Our method formulates geometric verification as an optimization problem, guiding feature matching within detector-free methods and using sparse correspondences from detector-based methods as anchor points.

Localized Gaussian Splatting Editing with Contextual Awareness

no code implementations31 Jul 2024 Hanyuan Xiao, Yingshu Chen, Huajian Huang, Haolin Xiong, Jing Yang, Pratusha Prasad, Yajie Zhao

In the second Texture Enhancement step, we introduce a novel Depth-guided Inpainting Score Distillation Sampling (DI-SDS), which enhances geometry and texture details with the inpainting diffusion prior, beyond the scope of the 3D-aware diffusion prior knowledge in the first coarse step.

3D scene Editing Image to 3D +2

Don't Look into the Dark: Latent Codes for Pluralistic Image Inpainting

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Haiwei Chen, Yajie Zhao

We present a method for large-mask pluralistic image inpainting based on the generative framework of discrete latent codes.

Diversity Image Inpainting +1

Light Sampling Field and BRDF Representation for Physically-based Neural Rendering

1 code implementation ICLR 2023 Jing Yang, Hanyuan Xiao, Wenbin Teng, Yunxuan Cai, Yajie Zhao

Extensive experiments showcase the quality and efficiency of our PBR face skin shader, indicating the effectiveness of our proposed lighting and material representations.

Inverse Rendering Lightfield +2

Texturize a GAN Using a Single Image

no code implementations21 Feb 2023 Pengda Xiang, Sitao Xiang, Yajie Zhao

Can we customize a deep generative model which can generate images that can match the texture of some given image?


Exemplar-based Pattern Synthesis with Implicit Periodic Field Network

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Haiwei Chen, Jiayi Liu, Weikai Chen, Shichen Liu, Yajie Zhao

In this paper, we propose an exemplar-based visual pattern synthesis framework that aims to model the inner statistics of visual patterns and generate new, versatile patterns that meet the aforementioned requirements.

Generative Adversarial Network Texture Synthesis

DenseGAP: Graph-Structured Dense Correspondence Learning with Anchor Points

no code implementations13 Dec 2021 Zhengfei Kuang, Jiaman Li, Mingming He, Tong Wang, Yajie Zhao

To make the local features aware of the global context and improve their matching accuracy, we introduce DenseGAP, a new solution for efficient Dense correspondence learning with a Graph-structured neural network conditioned on Anchor Points.

Feature Correlation

Topologically Consistent Multi-View Face Inference Using Volumetric Sampling

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Tianye Li, Shichen Liu, Timo Bolkart, Jiayi Liu, Hao Li, Yajie Zhao

We propose ToFu, Topologically consistent Face from multi-view, a geometry inference framework that can produce topologically consistent meshes across facial identities and expressions using a volumetric representation instead of an explicit underlying 3DMM.

3D Reconstruction

DisUnknown: Distilling Unknown Factors for Disentanglement Learning

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Sitao Xiang, Yuming Gu, Pengda Xiang, Menglei Chai, Hao Li, Yajie Zhao, Mingming He

In this paper, we adopt a general setting where all factors that are hard to label or identify are encapsulated as a single unknown factor.


Task-Generic Hierarchical Human Motion Prior using VAEs

no code implementations7 Jun 2021 Jiaman Li, Ruben Villegas, Duygu Ceylan, Jimei Yang, Zhengfei Kuang, Hao Li, Yajie Zhao

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our hierarchical motion variational autoencoder in a variety of tasks including video-based human pose estimation, motion completion from partial observations, and motion synthesis from sparse key-frames.

Motion Synthesis Pose Estimation

VaPiD: A Rapid Vanishing Point Detector via Learned Optimizers

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Shichen Liu, Yichao Zhou, Yajie Zhao

Being able to infer 3D structures from 2D images with geometric principles, vanishing points have been a well-recognized concept in 3D vision research.

Autonomous Driving Camera Calibration +2

Dynamic Facial Asset and Rig Generation from a Single Scan

no code implementations1 Oct 2020 Jiaman Li, Zheng-Fei Kuang, Yajie Zhao, Mingming He, Karl Bladin, Hao Li

We also model the joint distribution between identities and expressions, enabling the inference of the full set of personalized blendshapes with dynamic appearances from a single neutral input scan.

Learning Formation of Physically-Based Face Attributes

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Ruilong Li, Karl Bladin, Yajie Zhao, Chinmay Chinara, Owen Ingraham, Pengda Xiang, Xinglei Ren, Pratusha Prasad, Bipin Kishore, Jun Xing, Hao Li

Based on a combined data set of 4000 high resolution facial scans, we introduce a non-linear morphable face model, capable of producing multifarious face geometry of pore-level resolution, coupled with material attributes for use in physically-based rendering.

Data Visualization Face Model

Learning Perspective Undistortion of Portraits

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Yajie Zhao, Zeng Huang, Tianye Li, Weikai Chen, Chloe LeGendre, Xinglei Ren, Jun Xing, Ari Shapiro, Hao Li

In contrast to the previous state-of-the-art approach, our method handles even portraits with extreme perspective distortion, as we avoid the inaccurate and error-prone step of first fitting a 3D face model.

3D Reconstruction Camera Calibration +2

Deep RBFNet: Point Cloud Feature Learning using Radial Basis Functions

no code implementations11 Dec 2018 Weikai Chen, Xiaoguang Han, Guanbin Li, Chao Chen, Jun Xing, Yajie Zhao, Hao Li

Three-dimensional object recognition has recently achieved great progress thanks to the development of effective point cloud-based learning frameworks, such as PointNet and its extensions.

3D Object Recognition

Deep Volumetric Video From Very Sparse Multi-View Performance Capture

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Zeng Huang, Tianye Li, Weikai Chen, Yajie Zhao, Jun Xing, Chloe LeGendre, Linjie Luo, Chongyang Ma, Hao Li

We present a deep learning-based volumetric capture approach for performance capture using a passive and highly sparse multi-view capture system.

Surface Reconstruction

Identity Preserving Face Completion for Large Ocular Region Occlusion

no code implementations23 Jul 2018 Yajie Zhao, Weikai Chen, Jun Xing, Xiaoming Li, Zach Bessinger, Fuchang Liu, WangMeng Zuo, Ruigang Yang

Different from the state-of-the-art face inpainting methods that have no control over the synthesized content and can only handle frontal face pose, our approach can faithfully recover the missing content under various head poses while preserving the identity.

Facial Inpainting

Mask-off: Synthesizing Face Images in the Presence of Head-mounted Displays

no code implementations26 Oct 2016 Yajie Zhao, Qingguo Xu, Xinyu Huang, Ruigang Yang

The main purpose of this paper is to synthesize realistic face images without occlusions based on the images captured by these cameras.

Colorization Face Alignment +1

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