Search Results for author: Yan Jia

Found 12 papers, 2 papers with code

Evolutionary Trigger Detection and Lightweight Model Repair Based Backdoor Defense

no code implementations7 Jul 2024 Qi Zhou, Zipeng Ye, Yubo Tang, Wenjian Luo, Yuhui Shi, Yan Jia

In the second phase of our method, we leverage several lightweight unlearning methods with the trigger detected by CETF for model repair, which also constructively demonstrate the underlying correlation of the backdoor with Batch Normalization layers.

Autonomous Driving Backdoor Attack +2

A Survey on Consumer IoT Traffic: Security and Privacy

1 code implementation24 Mar 2024 Yan Jia, Yuxin Song, Zihou Liu, Qingyin Tan, Yang song, Yu Zhang, Zheli Liu

Although CIoT has improved the convenience of daily activities, it also introduces new security and privacy concerns.


CGNN: Traffic Classification with Graph Neural Network

no code implementations19 Oct 2021 Bo Pang, Yongquan Fu, Siyuan Ren, Ye Wang, Qing Liao, Yan Jia

Extensive evaluation over real-world traffic data sets, including normal, encrypted and malicious labels, show that, CGNN improves the prediction accuracy by 23\% to 29\% for application classification, by 2\% to 37\% for malicious traffic classification, and reaches the same accuracy level for encrypted traffic classification.

Classification Graph Neural Network +2

The Role of Explainability in Assuring Safety of Machine Learning in Healthcare

no code implementations1 Sep 2021 Yan Jia, John McDermid, Tom Lawton, Ibrahim Habli

Established approaches to assuring safety-critical systems and software are difficult to apply to systems employing ML where there is no clear, pre-defined specification against which to assess validity.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Guidance on the Assurance of Machine Learning in Autonomous Systems (AMLAS)

1 code implementation2 Feb 2021 Richard Hawkins, Colin Paterson, Chiara Picardi, Yan Jia, Radu Calinescu, Ibrahim Habli

Machine Learning (ML) is now used in a range of systems with results that are reported to exceed, under certain conditions, human performance.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

A Framework for Assurance of Medication Safety using Machine Learning

no code implementations11 Jan 2021 Yan Jia, Tom Lawton, John McDermid, Eric Rojas, Ibrahim Habli

As healthcare is now data rich, it is possible to augment safety analysis with machine learning to discover actual causes of medication error from the data, and to identify where they deviate from what was predicted in the safety analysis.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Training Wake Word Detection with Synthesized Speech Data on Confusion Words

no code implementations3 Nov 2020 Yan Jia, Zexin Cai, Murong Ma, Zeqing Zhao, Xuyang Wang, Junjie Wang, Ming Li

Confusing-words are commonly encountered in real-life keyword spotting applications, which causes severe degradation of performance due to complex spoken terms and various kinds of words that sound similar to the predefined keywords.

Data Augmentation Keyword Spotting +2

Domain Aware Training for Far-field Small-footprint Keyword Spotting

no code implementations7 May 2020 Haiwei Wu, Yan Jia, Yuanfei Nie, Ming Li

In this paper, we focus on the task of small-footprint keyword spotting under the far-field scenario.

Multi-Task Learning

From RGB to Spectrum for Natural Scenes via Manifold-Based Mapping

no code implementations ICCV 2017 Yan Jia, Yinqiang Zheng, Lin Gu, Art Subpa-Asa, Antony Lam, Yoichi Sato, Imari Sato

Spectral analysis of natural scenes can provide much more detailed information about the scene than an ordinary RGB camera.

Dimensionality Reduction

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