Search Results for author: Yanan Li

Found 27 papers, 5 papers with code

Roadside Monocular 3D Detection via 2D Detection Prompting

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Yechi Ma, Shuoquan Wei, Churun Zhang, Wei Hua, Yanan Li, Shu Kong

Our method builds on a key insight that, compared with 3D detectors, a 2D detector is much easier to train and performs significantly better w. r. t detections on the 2D image plane.

The Neglected Tails in Vision-Language Models

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Shubham Parashar, Zhiqiu Lin, Tian Liu, Xiangjue Dong, Yanan Li, Deva Ramanan, James Caverlee, Shu Kong

We address this by using large language models (LLMs) to count the number of pretraining texts that contain synonyms of these concepts.

Retrieval Zero-Shot Learning

Long-Tailed 3D Detection via Multi-Modal Fusion

1 code implementation18 Dec 2023 Yechi Ma, Neehar Peri, Shuoquan Wei, Achal Dave, Wei Hua, Yanan Li, Deva Ramanan, Shu Kong

Contemporary autonomous vehicle (AV) benchmarks have advanced techniques for training 3D detectors, particularly on large-scale multi-modal (LiDAR + RGB) data.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Vehicles +2

Knowledge Graph Driven Recommendation System Algorithm

no code implementations1 Dec 2023 Chaoyang Zhang, Yanan Li, Shen Chen, Siwei Fan, Wei Li

We first use a single-layer neural network to merge individual node features in the graph, and then adjust the aggregation weights of neighboring entities by incorporating influence factors.

Graph Neural Network

A High-Resolution Dataset for Instance Detection with Multi-View Instance Capture

1 code implementation30 Oct 2023 Qianqian Shen, Yunhan Zhao, Nahyun Kwon, Jeeeun Kim, Yanan Li, Shu Kong

Instance detection (InsDet) is a long-lasting problem in robotics and computer vision, aiming to detect object instances (predefined by some visual examples) in a cluttered scene.

8k Object +2

Prompting Scientific Names for Zero-Shot Species Recognition

no code implementations15 Oct 2023 Shubham Parashar, Zhiqiu Lin, Yanan Li, Shu Kong

We find that common names are more likely to be included in CLIP's training set, and prompting them achieves 2$\sim$5 times higher accuracy on benchmarking datasets of fine-grained species recognition.

Benchmarking Zero-Shot Learning

Real-Time Progressive Learning: Accumulate Knowledge from Control with Neural-Network-Based Selective Memory

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Yiming Fei, Jiangang Li, Yanan Li

Memory, as the basis of learning, determines the storage, update and forgetting of knowledge and further determines the efficiency of learning.

Trajectory-aware Principal Manifold Framework for Data Augmentation and Image Generation

no code implementations30 Jul 2023 Elvis Han Cui, Bingbin Li, Yanan Li, Weng Kee Wong, Donghui Wang

Many existing methods generate new samples from a parametric distribution, like the Gaussian, with little attention to generate samples along the data manifold in either the input or feature space.

Data Augmentation Image Generation

Hybrid quantum-classical convolutional neural network for phytoplankton classification

no code implementations7 Mar 2023 Shangshang Shi, Zhimin Wang, Ruimin Shang, Yanan Li, Jiaxin Li, Guoqiang Zhong, Yongjian Gu

The taxonomic composition and abundance of phytoplankton, having direct impact on marine ecosystem dynamic and global environment change, are listed as essential ocean variables.

Classification Image Classification +1

Quantum Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequential Learning

1 code implementation7 Feb 2023 Yanan Li, Zhimin Wang, Rongbing Han, Shangshang Shi, Jiaxin Li, Ruimin Shang, Haiyong Zheng, Guoqiang Zhong, Yongjian Gu

Quantum neural network (QNN) is one of the promising directions where the near-term noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices could find advantageous applications against classical resources.

Text Categorization

CoSign: Exploring Co-occurrence Signals in Skeleton-based Continuous Sign Language Recognition

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Peiqi Jiao, Yuecong Min, Yanan Li, Xiaotao Wang, Lei Lei, Xilin Chen

The co-occurrence signals (e. g., hand shape, facial expression, and lip pattern) play a critical role in Continuous Sign Language Recognition (CSLR).

Sign Language Recognition Visual Grounding

Selective Memory Recursive Least Squares: Recast Forgetting into Memory in RBF Neural Network Based Real-Time Learning

no code implementations15 Nov 2022 Yiming Fei, Jiangang Li, Yanan Li

In radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) based real-time learning tasks, forgetting mechanisms are widely used such that the neural network can keep its sensitivity to new data.


Alleviating the Sample Selection Bias in Few-shot Learning by Removing Projection to the Centroid

2 code implementations30 Oct 2022 Jing Xu, Xu Luo, Xinglin Pan, Wenjie Pei, Yanan Li, Zenglin Xu

In this paper, we find that this problem usually occurs when the positions of support samples are in the vicinity of task centroid -- the mean of all class centroids in the task.

Few-Shot Learning Selection bias

Q-Net: Query-Informed Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation

1 code implementation24 Aug 2022 Qianqian Shen, Yanan Li, Jiyong Jin, Bin Liu

Deep learning has achieved tremendous success in computer vision, while medical image segmentation (MIS) remains a challenge, due to the scarcity of data annotations.

Anomaly Detection Image Segmentation +3

Towards Efficient and Stable K-Asynchronous Federated Learning with Unbounded Stale Gradients on Non-IID Data

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 ZiHao Zhou, Yanan Li, Xuebin Ren, Shusen Yang

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging privacy-preserving paradigm that enables multiple participants collaboratively to train a global model without uploading raw data.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

Dual Path Structural Contrastive Embeddings for Learning Novel Objects

no code implementations23 Dec 2021 Bingbin Li, Elvis Han Cui, Yanan Li, Donghui Wang, Weng Kee Wong

Learning novel classes from a very few labeled samples has attracted increasing attention in machine learning areas.

Meta-Learning Transfer Learning

Class-Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection

no code implementations17 May 2021 Pengyang Li, Yanan Li, Han Cui, Donghui Wang

To tackle this problem, we propose a novel method LEAST, which can transfer with Less forgetting, fEwer training resources, And Stronger Transfer capability.

Clustering Few-Shot Object Detection +3

Asynchronous Federated Learning with Differential Privacy for Edge Intelligence

no code implementations17 Dec 2019 Yanan Li, Shusen Yang, Xuebin Ren, Cong Zhao

Formally, we give the first analysis on the model convergence of AFL under DP and propose a multi-stage adjustable private algorithm (MAPA) to improve the trade-off between model utility and privacy by dynamically adjusting both the noise scale and the learning rate.

Edge-computing Federated Learning

Impact of Prior Knowledge and Data Correlation on Privacy Leakage: A Unified Analysis

no code implementations5 Jun 2019 Yanan Li, Xuebin Ren, Shusen Yang, Xinyu Yang

Considering general correlations, a closed-form expression of privacy leakage is derived for continuous data, and a chain rule is presented for discrete data.


Semi-Supervised Classification for oil reservoir

no code implementations5 Apr 2018 Yanan Li, Haixiang Guo, Andrew P Paplinski

In this paper, we use the semi-supervised learning to solve the problem of ever-increasing amount of unlabelled data available for interpretation.

Classification General Classification

Learning Robust Features with Incremental Auto-Encoders

no code implementations26 May 2017 Yanan Li, Donghui Wang

In this paper, we propose a new method to learn non-linear robust features by taking advantage of the data manifold structure.

Zero-Shot Learning with Generative Latent Prototype Model

no code implementations26 May 2017 Yanan Li, Donghui Wang

Zero-shot learning, which studies the problem of object classification for categories for which we have no training examples, is gaining increasing attention from community.

Transfer Learning Zero-Shot Learning

Zero-Shot Recognition using Dual Visual-Semantic Mapping Paths

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Yanan Li, Donghui Wang, Huanhang Hu, Yuetan Lin, Yueting Zhuang

This mapping is learned on training data of seen classes and is expected to have transfer ability to unseen classes.

Zero-Shot Learning

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