Search Results for author: Yanbin Zhao

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Fast-DetectGPT: Efficient Zero-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text via Conditional Probability Curvature

2 code implementations8 Oct 2023 Guangsheng Bao, Yanbin Zhao, Zhiyang Teng, Linyi Yang, Yue Zhang

Large language models (LLMs) have shown the ability to produce fluent and cogent content, presenting both productivity opportunities and societal risks.

ShadowGNN: Graph Projection Neural Network for Text-to-SQL Parser

no code implementations NAACL 2021 Zhi Chen, Lu Chen, Yanbin Zhao, Ruisheng Cao, Zihan Xu, Su Zhu, Kai Yu

Given a database schema, Text-to-SQL aims to translate a natural language question into the corresponding SQL query.

Decoder Text-To-SQL

CREDIT: Coarse-to-Fine Sequence Generation for Dialogue State Tracking

no code implementations22 Sep 2020 Zhi Chen, Lu Chen, Zihan Xu, Yanbin Zhao, Su Zhu, Kai Yu

In dialogue systems, a dialogue state tracker aims to accurately find a compact representation of the current dialogue status, based on the entire dialogue history.

Dialogue State Tracking

Dual Learning for Dialogue State Tracking

no code implementations22 Sep 2020 Zhi Chen, Lu Chen, Yanbin Zhao, Su Zhu, Kai Yu

In task-oriented multi-turn dialogue systems, dialogue state refers to a compact representation of the user goal in the context of dialogue history.

Dialogue State Tracking Sentence

Semi-Supervised Text Simplification with Back-Translation and Asymmetric Denoising Autoencoders

no code implementations30 Apr 2020 Yanbin Zhao, Lu Chen, Zhi Chen, Kai Yu

When modeling simple and complex sentences with autoencoders, we introduce different types of noise into the training process.

Denoising Language Modelling +4

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