Search Results for author: Yanbing Liu

Found 11 papers, 2 papers with code

Multi-View Incongruity Learning for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection

no code implementations1 Dec 2024 Diandian Guo, Cong Cao, Fangfang Yuan, Yanbing Liu, Guangjie Zeng, Xiaoyan Yu, Hao Peng, Philip S. Yu

Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of MICL on benchmark datasets, along with the analyses showcasing MICL's advancement in mitigating the effect of spurious correlation.

Contrastive Learning Data Augmentation +2

Can Multimodal Large Language Model Think Analogically?

no code implementations2 Nov 2024 Diandian Guo, Cong Cao, Fangfang Yuan, Dakui Wang, Wei Ma, Yanbing Liu, Jianhui Fu

The experiments show that our approach outperforms existing methods on popular datasets, providing preliminary evidence for the analogical reasoning capability of MLLM.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Misaligned orientations of 4f optical neural network for image classification accuracy on various datasets

no code implementations5 Oct 2022 Yanbing Liu, Wei Li, Kun Cheng, Xun Liu, Wei Yang

In order to comprehensively investigate the influence caused by the misalignment, we proposed a method for estimating the performance of a 4f-ONN in response to various misalignment in the context of the image classification task. The misalignment in numerical simulation is estimated by manipulating the optical intensity distributions in the fourth focus plane in the 4f system.

Classification Image Classification

Deep Differential Amplifier for Extractive Summarization

no code implementations ACL 2021 Ruipeng Jia, Yanan Cao, Fang Fang, Yuchen Zhou, Zheng Fang, Yanbing Liu, Shi Wang

In this paper, we conceptualize the single-document extractive summarization as a rebalance problem and present a deep differential amplifier framework.

Extractive Summarization imbalanced classification +1

RLINK: Deep Reinforcement Learning for User Identity Linkage

no code implementations31 Oct 2019 Xiaoxue Li, Yanan Cao, Yanmin Shang, Yangxi Li, Yanbing Liu, Jianlong Tan

User identity linkage is a task of recognizing the identities of the same user across different social networks (SN).

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Textual Relationship Modeling for Cross-Modal Information Retrieval

1 code implementation31 Oct 2018 Jing Yu, Chenghao Yang, Zengchang Qin, Zhuoqian Yang, Yue Hu, Yanbing Liu

A joint neural model is proposed to learn feature representation individually in each modality.


Network Reconstruction and Controlling Based on Structural Regularity Analysis

no code implementations20 May 2018 Tao Wu, Shaojie Qiao, Xingping Xian, Xi-Zhao Wang, Wei Wang, Yanbing Liu

In addition, the model is capable of measuring the importance of microscopic network elements, i. e., nodes and links, in terms of network regularity thereby allowing us to regulate the reconstructability of networks based on them.

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