Search Results for author: Yanbo Liang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Flex Attention: A Programming Model for Generating Optimized Attention Kernels

no code implementations7 Dec 2024 Juechu Dong, Boyuan Feng, Driss Guessous, Yanbo Liang, Horace He

We introduce FlexAttention, a novel compiler-driven programming model that allows implementing the majority of attention variants in a few lines of idiomatic PyTorch code.

Apache Submarine: A Unified Machine Learning Platform Made Simple

1 code implementation22 Aug 2021 Kai-Hsun Chen, Huan-Ping Su, Wei-Chiu Chuang, Hung-Chang Hsiao, Wangda Tan, Zhankun Tang, Xun Liu, Yanbo Liang, Wen-Chih Lo, Wanqiang Ji, Byron Hsu, Keqiu Hu, HuiYang Jian, Quan Zhou, Chien-Min Wang

As machine learning is applied more widely, it is necessary to have a machine learning platform for both infrastructure administrators and users including expert data scientists and citizen data scientists to improve their productivity.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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