Search Results for author: Yang Peng

Found 17 papers, 6 papers with code

SUSTechGAN: Image Generation for Object Detection in Adverse Conditions of Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation18 Jul 2024 Gongjin Lan, Yang Peng, Qi Hao, Chengzhong Xu

We test the SUSTechGAN and the well-known GANs to generate driving images in adverse conditions of rain and night and apply the generated images to retrain object detection networks.

Autonomous Driving Image Generation +4

Federated Control in Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations7 May 2024 Hao Jin, Yang Peng, Liangyu Zhang, Zhihua Zhang

In face of the difference among restricted regions, we firstly introduce concepts of leakage probabilities to understand how such heterogeneity affects the learning process, and then propose a novel communication protocol that we call Federated-Q protocol (FedQ), which periodically aggregates agents' knowledge of their restricted regions and accordingly modifies their learning problems for further training.

Statistical Efficiency of Distributional Temporal Difference Learning and Freedman's Inequality in Hilbert Spaces

no code implementations9 Mar 2024 Yang Peng, Liangyu Zhang, Zhihua Zhang

In the Markovian setting, we propose variance-reduced variants of NTD and CTD, and show that both can achieve a $\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-2} \mu_{\pi,\min}^{-1}(1-\gamma)^{-3}+t_{mix}\mu_{\pi,\min}^{-1}(1-\gamma)^{-1})$ sample complexity bounds in the case of the $1$-Wasserstein distance, which matches the state-of-the-art statistical results for classic policy evaluation.

Distributional Reinforcement Learning

Deep learning for 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Autonomous Driving: A Brief Survey

no code implementations10 Nov 2023 Yang Peng

Object detection and tracking are vital and fundamental tasks for autonomous driving, aiming at identifying and locating objects from those predefined categories in a scene.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +3

BEA: Revisiting anchor-based object detection DNN using Budding Ensemble Architecture

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Syed Sha Qutub, Neslihan Kose, Rafael Rosales, Michael Paulitsch, Korbinian Hagn, Florian Geissler, Yang Peng, Gereon Hinz, Alois Knoll

The proposed loss functions in BEA improve the confidence score calibration and lower the uncertainty error, which results in a better distinction of true and false positives and, eventually, higher accuracy of the object detection models.

object-detection Object Detection +1

Semi-Infinitely Constrained Markov Decision Processes and Efficient Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation29 Apr 2023 Liangyu Zhang, Yang Peng, Wenhao Yang, Zhihua Zhang

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to apply tools from semi-infinitely programming (SIP) to solve constrained reinforcement learning problems.

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +3

Finding Lookalike Customers for E-Commerce Marketing

no code implementations9 Jan 2023 Yang Peng, Changzheng Liu, Wei Shen

Customer-centric marketing campaigns generate a large portion of e-commerce website traffic for Walmart.


Semi-Supervised Specific Emitter Identification Method Using Metric-Adversarial Training

1 code implementation28 Nov 2022 Xue Fu, Yang Peng, Yuchao Liu, Yun Lin, Guan Gui, Haris Gacanin, Fumiyuki Adachi

Specifically, pseudo labels are innovatively introduced into metric learning to enable semi-supervised metric learning (SSML), and an objective function alternatively regularized by SSML and virtual adversarial training (VAT) is designed to extract discriminative and generalized semantic features of radio signals.

Decision Making Metric Learning

Knowledge Base Completion using Web-Based Question Answering and Multimodal Fusion

no code implementations14 Nov 2022 Yang Peng, Daisy Zhe Wang

Over the past few years, large knowledge bases have been constructed to store massive amounts of knowledge.

Knowledge Base Completion Question Answering

Hardware faults that matter: Understanding and Estimating the safety impact of hardware faults on object detection DNNs

1 code implementation7 Sep 2022 Syed Qutub, Florian Geissler, Yang Peng, Ralf Grafe, Michael Paulitsch, Gereon Hinz, Alois Knoll

The evaluation of several representative object detection models shows that even a single bit flip can lead to a severe silent data corruption event with potentially critical safety implications, with e. g., up to (much greater than) 100 FPs generated, or up to approx.

Object object-detection +1

Federated Reinforcement Learning with Environment Heterogeneity

1 code implementation6 Apr 2022 Hao Jin, Yang Peng, Wenhao Yang, Shusen Wang, Zhihua Zhang

We study a Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) problem in which $n$ agents collaboratively learn a single policy without sharing the trajectories they collected during agent-environment interaction.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Towards a Safety Case for Hardware Fault Tolerance in Convolutional Neural Networks Using Activation Range Supervision

no code implementations16 Aug 2021 Florian Geissler, Syed Qutub, Sayanta Roychowdhury, Ali Asgari, Yang Peng, Akash Dhamasia, Ralf Graefe, Karthik Pattabiraman, Michael Paulitsch

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become an established part of numerous safety-critical computer vision applications, including human robot interactions and automated driving.

Bioinspired Bipedal Locomotion Control for Humanoid Robotics Based on EACO

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Jingan Yang, Yang Peng

To construct a robot that can walk as efficiently and steadily as humans or other legged animals, we develop an enhanced elitist-mutated ant colony optimization~(EACO) algorithm with genetic and crossover operators in real-time applications to humanoid robotics or other legged robots.

To Root Artificial Intelligence Deeply in Basic Science for a New Generation of AI

no code implementations11 Sep 2020 Jingan Yang, Yang Peng

One of the ambitions of artificial intelligence is to root artificial intelligence deeply in basic science while developing brain-inspired artificial intelligence platforms that will promote new scientific discoveries.

Brain Computer Interface Decision Making +1

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