Search Results for author: Yang Qiao

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

Touch the Core: Exploring Task Dependence Among Hybrid Targets for Recommendation

1 code implementation26 Mar 2024 Xing Tang, Yang Qiao, Fuyuan Lyu, Dugang Liu, Xiuqiang He

In this paper, we study the MTL problem with hybrid targets for the first time and propose the model named Hybrid Targets Learning Network (HTLNet) to explore task dependence and enhance optimization.

Multi-Task Learning Recommendation Systems

Treatment-Aware Hyperbolic Representation Learning for Causal Effect Estimation with Social Networks

1 code implementation12 Jan 2024 Ziqiang Cui, Xing Tang, Yang Qiao, Bowei He, Liang Chen, Xiuqiang He, Chen Ma

Firstly, TAHyper employs the hyperbolic space to encode the social networks, thereby effectively reducing the distortion of confounder representation caused by Euclidean embeddings.

Representation Learning

Higher-order Graph Attention Network for Stock Selection with Joint Analysis

no code implementations27 Jun 2023 Yang Qiao, Yiping Xia, Xiang Li, Zheng Li, Yan Ge

H-GAT is able to capture higher-order structures and jointly incorporate factors of fundamental analysis with factors of technical analysis.

Graph Attention Relation +1

OptMSM: Optimizing Multi-Scenario Modeling for Click-Through Rate Prediction

no code implementations23 Jun 2023 Xing Tang, Yang Qiao, Yuwen Fu, Fuyuan Lyu, Dugang Liu, Xiuqiang He

Existing approaches for multi-scenario CTR prediction generally consist of two main modules: i) a scenario-aware learning module that learns a set of multi-functional representations with scenario-shared and scenario-specific information from input features, and ii) a scenario-specific prediction module that serves each scenario based on these representations.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Disentanglement

Self-Sampling Training and Evaluation for the Accuracy-Bias Tradeoff in Recommendation

1 code implementation7 Feb 2023 Dugang Liu, Yang Qiao, Xing Tang, Liang Chen, Xiuqiang He, Weike Pan, Zhong Ming

Specifically, SSTE uses a self-sampling module to generate some subsets with different degrees of bias from the original training and validation data.


Unsupervised Inductive Graph-Level Representation Learning via Graph-Graph Proximity

1 code implementation1 Apr 2019 Yunsheng Bai, Hao Ding, Yang Qiao, Agustin Marinovic, Ken Gu, Ting Chen, Yizhou Sun, Wei Wang

We introduce a novel approach to graph-level representation learning, which is to embed an entire graph into a vector space where the embeddings of two graphs preserve their graph-graph proximity.

General Classification Graph Classification +3

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