Search Results for author: Yangbin Lin

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Quantum Mixed-State Self-Attention Network

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 Fu Chen, Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, Chuangtao Chen, Yangbin Lin, Jianhong Lin

This paper introduces a novel Quantum Mixed-State Self-Attention Network (QMSAN) for natural language processing tasks.

Quantum Machine Learning text-classification +1

Toward better boundary preserved supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds

1 code implementation ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2019 Yangbin Lin, Cheng Wang, Dawei Zhai, Wei Li, Jonathan Li

In this paper, we present a simple but effective supervoxel segmentation method for point clouds, which formalizes supervoxel segmentation as a subset selection problem.

Point Cloud Segmentation Segmentation

Fast Regularity-Constrained Plane Reconstruction

no code implementations20 May 2019 Yangbin Lin, Jialian Li, Cheng Wang, Zhonggui Chen, Zongyue Wang, Jonathan Li

Man-made environments typically comprise planar structures that exhibit numerous geometric relationships, such as parallelism, coplanarity, and orthogonality.

Partial Procedural Geometric Model Fitting for Point Clouds

1 code implementation17 Oct 2016 Zongliang Zhang, Jonathan Li, Yulan Guo, Yangbin Lin, Ming Cheng, Cheng Wang

However, most geometric model fitting methods are unable to fit an arbitrary geometric model (e. g. a surface with holes) to incomplete data, due to that the similarity metrics used in these methods are unable to measure the rigid partial similarity between arbitrary models.


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