Search Results for author: Yanlong Huang

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Motif-Consistent Counterfactuals with Adversarial Refinement for Graph-Level Anomaly Detection

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Chunjing Xiao, Shikang Pang, Wenxin Tai, Yanlong Huang, Goce Trajcevski, Fan Zhou

The model combines the motif of one graph, the core subgraph containing the identification (category) information, and the contextual subgraph (non-motif) of another graph to produce a raw counterfactual graph.

Anomaly Detection counterfactual +1

A Non-parametric Skill Representation with Soft Null Space Projectors for Fast Generalization

no code implementations18 Sep 2022 João Silvério, Yanlong Huang

Over the last two decades, the robotics community witnessed the emergence of various motion representations that have been used extensively, particularly in behavorial cloning, to compactly encode and generalize skills.

iPLAN: Interactive and Procedural Layout Planning

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Feixiang He, Yanlong Huang, He Wang

However, the capability of involving humans into the loop has been largely ignored in existing methods which are mostly end-to-end approaches.

Image Generation Layout Design

EKMP: Generalized Imitation Learning with Adaptation, Nonlinear Hard Constraints and Obstacle Avoidance

no code implementations28 Feb 2021 Yanlong Huang

As a user-friendly and straightforward solution for robot trajectory generation, imitation learning has been viewed as a vital direction in the context of robot skill learning.

Imitation Learning Motion Planning Robotics

A Linearly Constrained Nonparametric Framework for Imitation Learning

no code implementations15 Sep 2019 Yanlong Huang, Darwin G. Caldwell

Several examples including simulated writing and locomotion tasks are presented to show the effectiveness of our framework.

Imitation Learning Model Predictive Control

Uncertainty-Aware Imitation Learning using Kernelized Movement Primitives

no code implementations5 Mar 2019 João Silvério, Yanlong Huang, Fares J. Abu-Dakka, Leonel Rozo, Darwin G. Caldwell

This rich set of information is used in combination with optimal controller fusion to learn actions from data, with two main advantages: i) robots become safe when uncertain about their actions and ii) they are able to leverage partial demonstrations, given as elementary sub-tasks, to optimally perform a higher level, more complex task.

Imitation Learning

Probabilistic Learning of Torque Controllers from Kinematic and Force Constraints

no code implementations19 Dec 2017 João Silvério, Yanlong Huang, Leonel Rozo, Sylvain Calinon, Darwin G. Caldwell

When learning skills from demonstrations, one is often required to think in advance about the appropriate task representation (usually in either operational or configuration space).

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