no code implementations • 29 Jul 2022 • Yannick Roy, Jocelyn Faubert
Our ability to track multiple objects in a dynamic environment enables us to perform everyday tasks such as driving, playing team sports, and walking in a crowded mall.
no code implementations • 18 Apr 2022 • Yannick Roy, Jocelyn Faubert
To investigate if the CDA is a robust neural correlate for VWM tasks, we reproduced eight CDA-related studies with a publicly accessible EEG dataset.
3 code implementations • 16 Jan 2019 • Yannick Roy, Hubert Banville, Isabela Albuquerque, Alexandre Gramfort, Tiago H. Falk, Jocelyn Faubert
To help the field progress, we provide a list of recommendations for future studies and we make our summary table of DL and EEG papers available and invite the community to contribute.