Search Results for author: Yanning Dai

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Deep Learning-Based Longitudinal Prediction of Childhood Myopia Progression Using Fundus Image Sequences and Baseline Refraction Data

no code implementations31 Jul 2024 Mengtian Kang, Yansong Hu, Shuo Gao, Yuanyuan Liu, Hongbei Meng, Xuemeng Li, Xuhang Chen, Hubin Zhao, Jing Fu, Guohua Hu, Wei Wang, Yanning Dai, Arokia Nathan, Peter Smielewski, Ningli Wang, Shiming Li

In this study, we introduce a novel, high-accuracy method for quantitatively predicting the myopic trajectory and myopia risk in children using only fundus images and baseline refraction data.

Towards a Robust Soft Baby Robot With Rich Interaction Ability for Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

1 code implementation11 Apr 2024 Mohannad Alhakami, Dylan R. Ashley, Joel Dunham, Yanning Dai, Francesco Faccio, Eric Feron, Jürgen Schmidhuber

Advanced machine learning algorithms require platforms that are extremely robust and equipped with rich sensory feedback to handle extensive trial-and-error learning without relying on strong inductive biases.

Human Body Digital Twin: A Master Plan

no code implementations18 Jul 2023 Chenyu Tang, Wentian Yi, Edoardo Occhipinti, Yanning Dai, Shuo Gao, Luigi G. Occhipinti

A human body digital twin (DT) is a virtual representation of an individual's physiological state, created using real-time data from sensors and medical test devices, with the purpose of simulating, predicting, and optimizing health outcomes through advanced analytics and simulations.

Decision Making

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