Search Results for author: Yao Sun

Found 31 papers, 4 papers with code

Semantic Communication for the Internet of Sounds: Architecture, Design Principles, and Challenges

no code implementations16 Jul 2024 Chengsi Liang, Yao Sun, Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas, Lina Mohjazi, Walid Saad

To achieve perceptual quality of sound synchronization in the IoS, it is necessary to precisely synchronize three critical factors: sound quality, timing, and behavior control.

Decoder Semantic Communication

S-RAN: Semantic-Aware Radio Access Networks

no code implementations15 Jul 2024 Yao Sun, Lan Zhang, Linke Guo, Jian Li, Dusit Niyato, Yuguang Fang

Semantic communication (SemCom) has been a transformative paradigm, emphasizing the precise exchange of meaningful information over traditional bit-level transmissions.

Management Semantic Communication

Fighter flight trajectory prediction based on spatio-temporal graphcial attention network

no code implementations13 May 2024 Yao Sun, Tengyu Jing, Jiapeng Wang, Wei Wang

The Transformer branch network is used to extract the temporal characteristics of historical trajectories and capture the impact of the fighter's historical state on future trajectories, while the GAT branch network is used to extract spatial features in historical trajectories and capture potential spatial correlations between fighters. Then we concatenate the outputs of the two branches into a new feature vector and input it into a decoder composed of a fully connected network to predict the future position coordinates of the blue army fighter. The computer simulation results show that the proposed network significantly improves the prediction accuracy of flight trajectories compared to the enhanced CNN-LSTM network (ECNN-LSTM), with improvements of 47% and 34% in both ADE and FDE indicators, providing strong support for subsequent autonomous combat missions.

Graph Attention Trajectory Prediction

QuickQuakeBuildings: Post-earthquake SAR-Optical Dataset for Quick Damaged-building Detection

1 code implementation11 Dec 2023 Yao Sun, Yi Wang, Michael Eineder

Quick and automated earthquake-damaged building detection from post-event satellite imagery is crucial, yet it is challenging due to the scarcity of training data required to develop robust algorithms.

Anomaly Detection Damaged Building Detection +1

A Wireless AI-Generated Content (AIGC) Provisioning Framework Empowered by Semantic Communication

no code implementations26 Oct 2023 Runze Cheng, Yao Sun, Dusit Niyato, Lan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Muhammad Ali Imran

With the significant advances in AI-generated content (AIGC) and the proliferation of mobile devices, providing high-quality AIGC services via wireless networks is becoming the future direction.

Decoder Semantic Communication

Knowledge Base Aware Semantic Communication in Vehicular Networks

no code implementations21 Sep 2023 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Dusit Niyato, Kairong Ma, Jiawen Kang, Muhammad Ali Imran

Semantic communication (SemCom) has recently been considered a promising solution for the inevitable crisis of scarce communication resources.

Knowledge Base Construction Semantic Communication

xURLLC-Aware Service Provisioning in Vehicular Networks: A Semantic Communication Perspective

no code implementations23 Feb 2023 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Dusit Niyato, Daquan Feng, Lei Feng, Muhammad Ali Imran

Semantic communication (SemCom), as an emerging paradigm focusing on meaning delivery, has recently been considered a promising solution for the inevitable crisis of scarce communication resources.

Knowledge Base Construction Semantic Communication

Joint User Association and Bandwidth Allocation in Semantic Communication Networks

no code implementations29 Dec 2022 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Dusit Niyato, Xiaoqian Li, Muhammad Ali Imran

Nevertheless, the unique demand for background knowledge matching makes it challenging to achieve efficient wireless resource management for multiple users in SemCom-enabled networks (SC-Nets).

Management Semantic Communication

WiserVR: Semantic Communication Enabled Wireless Virtual Reality Delivery

no code implementations2 Nov 2022 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Chengsi Liang, Daquan Feng, Runze Cheng, Yang Yang, Muhammad Ali Imran

Virtual reality (VR) over wireless is expected to be one of the killer applications in next-generation communication networks.

Semantic Communication

Beam Management in Ultra-dense mmWave Network via Federated Reinforcement Learning: An Intelligent and Secure Approach

no code implementations4 Oct 2022 Qing Xue, Yi-Jing Liu, Yao Sun, Jian Wang, Li Yan, Gang Feng, Shaodan Ma

Deploying ultra-dense networks that operate on millimeter wave (mmWave) band is a promising way to address the tremendous growth on mobile data traffic.

Federated Learning Management

Wireless Resource Management in Intelligent Semantic Communication Networks

no code implementations15 Feb 2022 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Xiaoqian Li, Gang Feng, Muhammad Ali Imran

The prosperity of artificial intelligence (AI) has laid a promising paradigm of communication system, i. e., intelligent semantic communication (ISC), where semantic contents, instead of traditional bit sequences, are coded by AI models for efficient communication.

Management Semantic Communication

Large-scale Building Height Retrieval from Single SAR Imagery based on Bounding Box Regression Networks

no code implementations18 Nov 2021 Yao Sun, Lichao Mou, Yuanyuan Wang, Sina Montazeri, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Building height retrieval from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is of great importance for urban applications, yet highly challenging owing to the complexity of SAR data.

regression Retrieval

Secure and Efficient Federated Learning Through Layering and Sharding Blockchain

no code implementations27 Apr 2021 Shuo Yuan, Bin Cao, Yao Sun, Zhiguo Wan, Mugen Peng

Introducing blockchain into Federated Learning (FL) to build a trusted edge computing environment for transmission and learning has attracted widespread attention as a new decentralized learning pattern.

Edge-computing Federated Learning

Smart and Secure CAV Networks Empowered by AI-Enabled Blockchain: The Next Frontier for Intelligent Safe Driving Assessment

no code implementations9 Apr 2021 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Rafiq Swash, Lina Mohjazi, Lei Zhang, Muhammad Ali Imran

Securing safe driving for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) continues to be a widespread concern, despite various sophisticated functions delivered by artificial intelligence for in-vehicle devices.

Autonomous Driving

CG-Net: Conditional GIS-aware Network for Individual Building Segmentation in VHR SAR Images

no code implementations17 Nov 2020 Yao Sun, Yuansheng Hua, Lichao Mou, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Object retrieval and reconstruction from very high resolution (VHR) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are of great importance for urban SAR applications, yet highly challenging owing to the complexity of SAR data.

Retrieval Segmentation

Service Provisioning Framework for RAN Slicing: User Admissibility, Slice Association and Bandwidth Allocation

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2020 Yao Sun, Shuang Qin, Member, Gang Feng, Lei Zhang, and Muhammad Ali Imran, SeniorMember, IEEE

Network slicing (NS) has been identified as one of the most promising architectural technologies for future mobile network systems to meet the extremely diversified service requirements of users.

Instance segmentation of buildings using keypoints

no code implementations6 Jun 2020 Qingyu Li, Lichao Mou, Yuansheng Hua, Yao Sun, Pu Jin, Yilei Shi, Xiao Xiang Zhu

The detected keypoints are subsequently reformulated as a closed polygon, which is the semantic boundary of the building.

Instance Segmentation Segmentation +1

So2Sat LCZ42: A Benchmark Dataset for Global Local Climate Zones Classification

1 code implementation19 Dec 2019 Xiao Xiang Zhu, Jingliang Hu, Chunping Qiu, Yilei Shi, Jian Kang, Lichao Mou, Hossein Bagheri, Matthias Häberle, Yuansheng Hua, Rong Huang, Lloyd Hughes, Hao Li, Yao Sun, Guichen Zhang, Shiyao Han, Michael Schmitt, Yuanyuan Wang

This is especially true for an automated analysis of remote sensing images on a global scale, which enables us to address global challenges such as urbanization and climate change using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction +1

A Unifying Hybrid Consensus Protocol

1 code implementation7 Jun 2019 Yulong Wu, Yunfei Zha, Yao Sun

We introduce Unity, a new consensus algorithm for public blockchain settings.

Cryptography and Security

Accurate facial image parsing at real-time speed

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019 Zhen Wei, Si Liu, Yao Sun, Hefei Ling

In this paper, we propose a design scheme for deep learning networks in the face parsing task with promising accuracy and real-time inference speed.

Face Parsing

A Multi-channel Network with Image Retrieval for Accurate Brain Tissue Segmentation

no code implementations1 Aug 2018 Yao Sun, Yang Deng, Yue Xu, Shuo Zhang, Mingwang Zhu, Kehong Yuan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is widely used in the pathological and functional studies of the brain, such as epilepsy, tumor diagnosis, etc.

Image Retrieval Retrieval +1

DASN:Data-Aware Skilled Network for Accurate MR Brain Tissue Segmentation

no code implementations23 Jul 2018 Yang Deng, Yao Sun, Yongpei Zhu, Shuo Zhang, Mingwang Zhu, Kehong Yuan

It is on the basis of this, we propose a judgement to distinguish data sets that different models are good at.


A Strategy of MR Brain Tissue Images' Suggestive Annotation Based on Modified U-Net

no code implementations19 Jul 2018 Yang Deng, Yao Sun, Yongpei Zhu, Mingwang Zhu, Wei Han, Kehong Yuan

How to choose appropriate training dataset from limited labeled dataset rather than the whole also has great significance in saving training time.


Face Aging with Contextual Generative Adversarial Nets

no code implementations1 Feb 2018 Si Liu, Yao Sun, Defa Zhu, Renda Bao, Wei Wang, Xiangbo Shu, Shuicheng Yan

The age discriminative network guides the synthesized face to fit the real conditional distribution.

Face Verification

Cross-domain Human Parsing via Adversarial Feature and Label Adaptation

no code implementations4 Jan 2018 Si Liu, Yao Sun, Defa Zhu, Guanghui Ren, Yu Chen, Jiashi Feng, Jizhong Han

Our proposed model explicitly learns a feature compensation network, which is specialized for mitigating the cross-domain differences.

Human Parsing

Learning Adaptive Receptive Fields for Deep Image Parsing Network

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Zhen Wei, Yao Sun, Jinqiao Wang, Hanjiang Lai, Si Liu

In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to regulate receptive field in deep image parsing network automatically.

Face Parsing

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