Search Results for author: Yaoqiang Pan

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Accurate Cutting-point Estimation for Robotic Lychee Harvesting through Geometry-aware Learning

no code implementations30 Mar 2024 Gengming Zhang, Hao Cao, Kewei Hu, Yaoqiang Pan, Yuqin Deng, Hongjun Wang, Hanwen Kang

Accurately identifying lychee-picking points in unstructured orchard environments and obtaining their coordinate locations is critical to the success of lychee-picking robots.

3D Object Detection object-detection

Exploring Accurate 3D Phenotyping in Greenhouse through Neural Radiance Fields

no code implementations24 Mar 2024 Junhong Zhao, Wei Ying, Yaoqiang Pan, Zhenfeng Yi, Chao Chen, Kewei Hu, Hanwen Kang

This study investigates a learning-based phenotyping method using the Neural Radiance Field to achieve accurate in-situ phenotyping of pepper plants in greenhouse environments.

NeRF Plant Phenotyping +1

High-fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Plants using Neural Radiance Field

no code implementations7 Nov 2023 Kewei Hu, Ying WEI, Yaoqiang Pan, Hanwen Kang, Chao Chen

Recently, a promising development has emerged in the form of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), a novel method that utilises neural density fields.

3D Reconstruction NeRF +1

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